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I woke up on a couch. My eyes wandered my surroundings. The whole living room was dark. No sign of the kidnapper. My stomach was growling because I didn't get to eat. My mind only thinking of how can I escape? 

"You awake?" I heard a male voice coming from the upstairs. I was surprised by his voice. He was coming towards me as I heard his footsteps. 

The male kidnapper standing in front of me, sighing. I looked at him, puzzled. Did I snore? 

Wait, what did I do?

"I bet you're hungry. Come, I already prepared our food." He said and gestured me to follow him.

How come a kidnapper be so friendly and freaking hot at the same time? Is this even real?? Am I dreaming? Someone wake me up! Oh, wait. Don't wake me up. But he's scary. OK LET'S WAKE UP! HELLO?? HELLO??

I followed him without having a second thought. I was so hungry. I can eat a whole cow right now! 

"What?" He looked at me.

"Need help?" I said with a blank face. He chuckled at shooked his head.

"Sit." He said and I did what he told me to do.

"It's weird you know, a victim asked a kidnapper like that. I'm fucking kidnapped you. Did you forgot?" He continued while grinning at me. He placed a pot of soup which I think it's kimchi jiggae. Smells good. 

Am I weird?

"I don't know a kidnapper can be this friendly." I said with my poker face. Shit! I regret what I said. He must be angry with me if I hurt his pride but instead of angry, he laughed which made me more confused if the whole thing was a prank like a hidden camera. 

"You're so cute Y/N. Did you know that?" He smirked. "Let's eat." He continued and put a bowl of rice in front of me. I looked at him suspiciously.

"What? Of course, I know your name, idiot. Why would I kidnapped someone I don't know. Eat. I didn't put poison there. Don't worry." He chuckled and eat his food.

I hesitated at first but my stomach couldn't resist the smells. I had to fill it anyway and picked my spoon. I taste the kimchi jiggae. Oh wow. It tastes amazing! I bet he didn't cook all of this.

"I cook all of this, you know." He said.

I coughed. Did he just read my mind or something? He's creepy. 


"Hmm..So you said that your friend was kidnapped? Her name is Lee Y/N?" 

I nodded desperately.

"But you don't know who the one kidnapped your friend?" He continued.

Of course, I didn't know who that is. If I know, I didn't come to you. Erghh.. Did I meet the wrong person? Is he a scammer??

"Of course, you didn't know who he is. Otherwise, you didn't come to me." He laughed.

Ok. I swear he's a weirdo. 

"So, back to our business Mr. Park Chimin." He stops laughing. 

"It's Park Jimin." 

"Ok, Park Cheongmin. Can you tell me the whole detail about your friend." He grinned while taking a small notebook and a pen.

I gave up trying to make him say my correct name and I told him the whole story about how Y/N being followed, the red roses, the letter and the whole scene that night. The night she was kidnapped.

Detective Kim keeps nodding the whole session. He makes a serious face and focusing on writing his note. 

"I'll start my investigation and I'll call you when I discover something new, Mr. Park Cheolmin." with that he shakes my hand.

"Pleasure to meet you, Detective Kim Taehyung and my name are Park Jimin." I shake his hand too.

"I know." He laughed and went away.

I don't know what to feel but I hope we will find her soon...











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