Run for your life !

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Today is the second week I felt like someone was following me anywhere I go. I feel unsafe and I am scared but didn't let my parents know about this because I don't want them to be worried.  I gather all my courage and went out for some grocery shopping my mom asked me too.

I wear my pink hoodie and sweatpant. Making sure that I wore something that not revealing. My mom gave me a list of things to buy and some money. I keep the list in my pocket.

I pushed my cart and grab things that my mom listed. My eyes were focused on the list and didn't notice that there's someone watching every movement I do.

Someone's POV

I didn't stop staring at her. She's quite cute with her pinky hoodie. Don't worry babe...Soon you'll be mine. Mine forever...I smirked.

Your's POV

As I finished my grocery shopping, I walked towards the cashier and pay for my things. I walked alone crossing the street with two bags full of home goods. It's quite heavy. I sense something weird and fasten my footsteps. I didn't turn back this time but instead, I run. Run for my life....because I knew someone was following me. The same person who follows me for the past two weeks......










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