Chapter 14

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Contains steamy at own risk!!

Walking the hallways of Monday mornings is kinda annoying. It just shows you that you'll be spending five more awful days in hell hole. Ugh!

I wish I could just go back to weekends. It was so much fun and amazing. Some of the things that makes it so amazing is because of Ace.

The secret glances, the secret touching, the stolen kisses, the stolen heated make outs..tho I wouldn't call them stolen, I'd say much approved heated make outs.

Sigh. I am very much addicted to him. I shouldn't be but I can't help it. Everytime we are around each other he finds someway to touch me, especially when we are alone it gets more crazy.

I just wish I could stop this craving for him, I can't think or function on anything else but h..

"Hey Anna," a familiar voice cut me out of my thoughts. I close my locker and turn around to see Sayquon grinning down at me with his one arm at my locker preventing me from moving.

Ok I know you must be thinking who the fuck is he well ammo break it down short story.

This is Sayquon Keys. He is on our football team. I had a huge crush on him when was in 8th grade and we met up and talked and made out a few times but news flash we weren't together tho.

He didn't want to be relationship type shit so I jus went along with it even it did kinda hurt back then. Soo let's just say we were fucking around. And by fucking around I don't mean actually doing that ok.

"Umm hey Sayquon, what's up." I stated awkwardly. Like really why he here. I barely saw him a long while now.

"Nothing much.." he leaned forward and placed his hand on my waist with his head in my neck, "..maybe I just missed you and those bubblegum lips." He whispered planting a kiss on my skin making me suck in my breath.

His kisses trailed from my neck to my earlobe "..I missed you Belle." he whispered.

"I.." wait wait hold up wtf am I doing..stop this shit!

I pushed him off me and straightened my clothes.."I need to go to class." I walked off. Omg what just happened! Sigh. Good thing the hallways were kinda empty.


The bells sounded the time of lunch hour and I started to pack my things to get out cuz am starving.

As I exited through the door I heard a squeal behind me, "Bitttcchh!" Cece attacked me in a breathtaking hug from behind.

"I c-could ne-ver get u-use to t-hi-s." I tried to say through the little breath she didn't squeeze out yet.

"Oh shit baby am sorry." She released me and I breath a huge breath of relief. "I just missed ya."

"Cece you saw me like a couple hours ago." I said after I got back my breath.

"I know.. I'm just extra aren't I." She pouted.

I smiled. "I still love ya. Come on am starving."

Walking into the cafeteria I regret ever doing so. There I saw Ace and his familiar redhead sharing lunch together. She picked up the donut sauce on her finger he placed her finger into his mouth sucking it off then he kissed her. He fucking kissed her!

I feel my stomach drop. I lost all appetite. Seeing him with redhead made my blood boil. I don't know why am I acting like this cuz it's not like he's mine and I'm his. He's is own man. I feel sick.

"Uh Cece am gonna run to the bathroom for a bit." I tried to say as calmly as possible but ofc she ticked something was off.

"Umm are you ok..are you sick? You look a lil red." She furrowed her brows questioning.

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