Th 27 - Innuendos

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King Agustus ****

Minus the ride, please 😂


Hi miii lovelies ! 💞

Thank you so much for staying tuned 😊

I am so happy!

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Thankssssss 😘

- Checapps 💕



When I get back, the eggs already hatched.

The arena's been field with cheers and dragons been flying above.

The newly hatched dragons are already flying along with the adult dragons.

I was completely mesmerized as they fly gracefully on the wide space above.
Their shiny scales glistened as sunlight hits them. They are beautiful and dangerous.

Before I could even notice, King Agustus was beside me.

He smiled at me as he points the flying dragons. "They love flying, my lady."

"How are they able to do that?" I whispered. "They're like--- babies, you know?"

"Dragons are born strong. They are majestic. Every inch of them screamed dominance, power and leadership." He proudly explain. "Regardless of their young age, they are born with their instinct to fly and all of them are clever and fast learners. That's probably ine of the reasons why we shift every other seven hours. But as a king, a power is bestowed upon me like every other kings before me. I could choose when to shift. My instuncts do not trigger me to shift every seven hours. I am the master of my dragon."

"Wow." I cannot believe he held that much power.

He smiled.
"I do not mean to sound boastful but it is an honor to be a dragon shifter, my lady. Guess, we are all proud of what we were born with."

I nodded.

"In this realm, dragons are free. On your realm, humans might hunt us. Not that we cannot protect ourselves but it will be a shame to wipe out mankind. With our growing population, no matter how high tech humans are, they will be wiped and that is something I would like to avoid. It's nice to live with humans every once in a while."

"I'm glad that it's how you view everything."

"I'm not a threat, unless provoked."

"I know."

His lips curl.
Amusement written on his face.
"You know?"

"I just know that despite your dominant big ass, you still care."

He chuckled.
"You are the only person I have allowed to speak to me like that."

I arched a brow.
"And why is that?"

He looked at me as if he has seen me for the first time. He stared at my eyes and dive right in, helding my gaze for a longer while.

His genuine smile makes the moment feel so special.
I may not feel any fancy around him but it's good to be around with people who is vocal and truthful with his intentions to you.

"I can't decipher how gorgeous you are without even trying."

I feel myself blushing.

"You are like a star in a darkest dessert. You feed light, love and hope."

"Hope?" I parroted.

"Frankly, I do not expect a happy life. Kings before me don't have a queen. They have countless mistresses and women to address their needs. Dragon shifters don't have mates. I do not find any female deserving to be crowned as my queen until you step in that conference room."

TAMING HER (BH Bk.4) COMPLETEDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt