Ch. 24 - Portal

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King Agustus ****


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- Checapps 💕



Few days passed.

There's been no sign of them until now.
I felt people passing through the barrier so I hurried my way out.

Damn it!

The twins and Isabella attempted to come with me but I stopped them.

I cannot afford to expose them to the possible danger these strangers might inflict to them.

The barrier is supposed to burn them or electrocute them but knowing that the trespassers might be the vampire royalties nor the stronger shifters, my barrier is useless. But it stops the dark witches from trespassing the cabin. And all I should worry is another dark witch enslaving my family.

The rest, I'm sure King Agustus had it managed.

King Agustus, with his men is walking towards my home. But what upsets me is seeing the two vampire kings behind him and ofcourse, the ex lover, Queen Selena.

Could this day get any worse?

"Good morning, my lady."
King Agustus greeted.

I nodded in response.

Queen Selena's hiss didn't go unnoticed to me.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" I asked politely.

The queen rolled her eyes while the Vileris siblings deadpan.

Count Patcinni and Count Vileris also wear the same blank expression as the other vampires.

Only King Agustus and Queen Selena show a sign that they are capable of feeling or expressing emotions.

"I want you all to visit my realm. I figured that you'd be more comfortable if we have some company." King Agustus smiled at me.

My mouth closed and opens due to my lack of response.

I turned to Zileria whose eyes are glued to my roof.

I could tell that the king just forced them to come with him so I'd run out of reason to say no.

Even Laverio's facial expression is blank. I wonder what he's thinking.

Is he mad at me for this??

Noticing my uneasiness, King Agustus held my back.
"Is there anything you needed, my lady?"
He asked softly.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I shook my head no.
"Nothing. I'm just... well, are we going now?"

The queen arched her brow.
"What? You want us to wait here till tomorrow?? Cause' there's no way I'll be staying in this place."

I bit my tongue to stop a sarcastic remark.

King Agustus snapped on her direction,
"Queen Selena..." he hissed. "I would appreciate it a lot if you keep your thoughts to yourself especially that I haven't even invited you here. You just insisted to come."

Queen Selena hissed. "Oh! I have been in and out of that realm so why the hell won't I insist to come now??"

King Agustus eyes narrowed into slits in anger. "That was before Yuda came in the picture, your highness." He emphasized the last two words.

"She can't be that special, Agustus. Just look at her!" she said in disgust.

My eyes narrowed in anger.

King Agustus growled.
"I am looking, she is perfect. Shut up, Selena."

She huffed as she crossed her arms.
"You could go on and shield her as long as you can but that bitch is just nothing but a low profile witch."

My insides trembled as I hate being degraded.
"I would like to apologize if an ordinary looking witch like me happen to be fantasized by the only man you love. Bitch? I am sorry, I am far from that. How about you assess yourself and see if the word fits you instead. But I bet you will. You see, not all are just looking for a pretty face, sometimes, inner beauty is what even matters. And in your case, no matter what you do, you will never be able to get the man you only want for yourself. And newsflash your highness, that man is into this bitch you just called a low profile witch."

"How dare you!" She was about to shift when King Agustus blow a ball of fire near her, stopping her from getting into me.

"Stop it already!" King Agustus snarled.

But the queen is possessed by her own anger. Her reptilian eyes are burning in fury. "You think you are better than the Queen of Drakanias?! You think your cursed soul is better than a royalty??! King Agustus, the King of Dragon shifters do not deserve an ordinary witch like you!"

I stood on my ground.
"I don't give a fuck about you so you better stay the hell away from me. Keep your thoughts to yourself and stop doing something that could humiliate your desperate and pathetic self." I growled.

Before she could even throw back a harsh response, King Agustus stood in between us. "For your information Queen Selena, I don't find Yuda ordinary at all. If anything, she's quite the gem in this room full of ashes."

"Excuse me?!" the queen's eyes widen in anger and shock. "I? An ash?? If you consider this" she motioned herself, "an ash, then she must be one hell of a crap!" she snarled.

King Agustus shook his head.
"It's funny how you idolize yourself but unfortunately, I don't think of the same. So again, keep your thoughts to yourself. And about your silly remark earlier, I am taking a very good look at Yuda and I love all the things I saw."

Heat creeps in my cheeks.

I turned to see Laverio. His brows furrowed and his eyes show how furious he is with the way King Agustus talk about me.

Or maybe he is mad at Queen Selena's hateful words against me.

But the queen is someone I don't give a damn.

Aside from her being a desperate fucker, her ego could not accept that I happen to be the new apple to the king's eyes.

And goodluck with all the humiliation she'll be getting from the king.

I don't enjoy witnessing humiliation, let alone humiliating my fellow woman but she is way too bitchy to deserve even an ounce of my concern and pity.

The queen glared at my way which I happily smirked in return.

King Agustus turned to me,
his friendly smile beamed at me.
"So, my lady, let me hold you as we enter the portal. I am not sure what will be your first time but I would like to ensure your safety. Now, may I have the permission to hold you, please?"

If it wasn't for my eagerness to make the evil queen even jealous, I would decline.

I nodded, earning a discreet scowl from my mate.

King Agustus held my hand carefully while his free hand guide my back.

I saw the queen tremble in anger upon the show.

The vampire kings looks damn amused at us.

King Agustus muttered something,
then a portal appeared right in front of us.
"Let's go..."

I heard the queen hiss.

I turn to her and smirk. Her reptilian eyes glared daggers at me as she flashed me with her fangs.

I shook my head in amusement as a smile made its way on my lips.

Take that, you bitch!

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