Ch 2 - Regardless

637 27 2

Yuda ****


Hi to you all!

Hope you like this!

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Droo your most amazing comments to keep me inspired.


- Checapps 💕



It's been a week since I arrive in this country.

Seven days of wandering off the streets.

I stayed in an apartment, trying to live like a normal mortal.

I attempted to enrol in schools but algebra and calculus will be the reason I'll be proclaimed deaths.

I hate maths.

and numbers...

No hate, math lovers! Just love...

I primised myself that I will start fresh and in a clean slate.

No magic.

No spells.

No witchcraft for me.

Whatever it fucking is, none of the above.

I looked around to see possible job hiring but nothing interests me here.

I mastered creating potions, protective barriers and live spells, are there any job hiring around that is related to that??

I went home frustrated today with a bag of food in hand.

I studied my wallet.

This shit is almost empty.

I wish my money bills will go on having sex with each other so they multiply and make me bitch rich!

Damn it, I could feel how broke and desperate I'll be in the next five days.

I'd probably apply as an etertainer, hooker, callgirl or whatever.

Just joking!

Never in my wildest dreams!

Anyways, if I can't find a work, fuck it!

I'll live in the woods, grow my own plants on my chosen property and just live normally.

Yeah, that sounds perfect.

I could build my own house, magic some dresses out from old fabrics and grow my own fruits and vegetables.

I kept on dreaming about my old friends. The friends I had before I was judged by the Goddess and banished me herself.

I was never sorry for what I did.

I saved a soul in exchange of mine.

I'm lucky the Goddess didn't claim my life.
I guess I still have missions apart from being a protector of a pack.

Yes, I previously live in a pack, under the leadership of my previous Alpha, Alpha Denford Eastwood.

He is the werewolf king, the strongest wolf ever to exist. He was mated to the daughter of a deceased friend.

And the wolf that I hypnotized was once a rogue who happen to save the werewolf king's mate from the hands of her own tainted mate.

And please don't judge me, my actions and decisions came into success.

Her mate changed for the good and fight for his right to claim her bride.

I wonder how they are doing now...

I could feel a pang in my chest as I remember them.

I think the Goddess is kind enough to spare my life.

I guess saving a shewolf from a miserable life in the arms of his own mate is the reason why I'm still not buried six meters deep.

My thoughts halt when a running man bumped me.
I fell to the ground with my ass first.

"Ouch, watch it!" I hissed.

But he just look at me like I'm some kind of trashcan who happens to block the pedestrian lane.

He didn't even say sorry and just continue sprinting as a middle aged woman ia chasing him.

"Stop him! Please stop him!" she kept on screaming. "Pleaseeeee!"

People are looking at her but nobody bothered to help.

I guess, things like this always happen around here.

I closed my eyes.

No magic!

No magic!

"Pleaseeee! Stop him!" The woman screamed once again.


Just no magic!

Don't go on being a heroine now!

But the desperate screams of the woman makes it so hard to resist.

I could feel my heart ache upon her sobbing state.

Poor thing.

I guess she badly needs saving.

With one discreet snap on my fingers, the man fell to ground, whimping in agony.

The woman is shocked, but quickly swiped her bag from the man who I assumed is a burglar.

She kicked him hard on the abdomen, about four times.

I took a step back at the sight.

She pointed at him.
"Don't you know that my son is fighting for his life and this money that you are about to steal is for his medicine! You are a full grown man, can't you just work hard for yourself?!" She yelled.

I gulped at how aggressive she is now.

She kicked him hard once again as tears fell her eyes.
"You good for nothing man! I almost had a heart attack chasing you! I hope the God curse you!" She punched him hard on the face.

I winced at the mention of another celestial being and a curse.

No please!

"I am sorry, please don't call the police!"the burglar begged.

"No!" The woman screamed and kicked him once again.

She dialed something on her phone in which I assume was the police force.

She kicked him hard once again as the poor man attempted to escape.
"Where are you going?! Huh?"

"Please no! I have two kids to raise, I---

"Shut up!"

"I won't do it again, please spare me!"
he begged.

"No way, you snatching scumbag!"

"You do not understand, I don't have a choice!"

"I am in need too!!" she yelled.

Fear is written across his face.
"B-But I have two kids. I am all they have..."

The weeping mother slapped him,
"Regardless of your reasons, you did this to yourself! My son could've lost his chance to live! All because of your selfishness! You do not get to take advantage of others just because you can!"

I distanced myself from them, trying my best not to intervene and be the heroine of the day.

And somehow, her words affect me.

Her words struck me like a lightning.
The thunder is the emotion she unconsciously cause me.

She's right.

Regardless of my reasons, I did this to myself.

And no matter how much I begged for the Goddess' forgiveness, I still did this to myself.

And there's no way I'll be judged gently.

TAMING HER (BH Bk.4) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now