Ch. 14 - Flipped a Bird

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Laverio ****


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- Checapps 💕



When we got home, Stefanio took Isabella with him, leaving Yuda and I all by ourselves.

I turned to her.

I haven't moved on from the incident earlier.

My blood boils at the insolence of those vampires!

Yuda cleared her throat.
"I guess, I'll see you later.."

"About what happened earlier... you took them down all by yourself. There's six of them, Yuda. And you did put them on the ground, literally and permanently. How come you didn't put up a fight when we first met in the woods?"

She heaved a sigh.
"Back then, I was with my family. One wrong move and they're dead. I cannot risk that."

I smiled at him.
"You really love them..."

"Of course. They are the only family I have. Speaking of them, I wish to see them. I've been staying here long enough. I miss Danny and Donald."

I groaned internally.
Way to ruin a good moment!

"I don't----

"Laverio! You can't keep me here forever. I won't let you..."

"Yuda, I want to----

But as soon as I sense the presence approaching us, all the hairs on my back stood stiffly.

Yuda noticed my reaction.

"Want what, Laverio?" she asked.

I hissed internally. Damn this!

I saw Yuda snapped on the direction where stood the last person I wanted to see.

He chuckled deeply.

But I know him so well... well enough that humor is the last thing that caused him to chuckle.

"Yes, Laverio? You want what exactly?" His deep voice make me want to break loose as I snap on his direction.

"Why are you here??!" I hissed at him.

He shook his head in amusement.
"Why would you think?? I own this place. You didn't get the throne yet right?"

Yuda gasped.

He continues. "So yeah, that makes me still the king, son." he smirked.

I closed my eyes as my temper threatens to drop at the most negative way possible.

"Yuda, meet my father..."

He arched a brow, staring at Yuda from head to toe.
"What are you doing here in my kingdom, witch??"

She blinked, intimidated at him. I wanted to roll my eyes at him.
"She's my guest, father."

"Really? I don't think that Ara-----

I cut him off.
"With all due respect father," I hissed as the last word rolled at my tongue.
"I do not interfere with her activities or whatever she did on daily basis. I expect the same in return."

"Laverio my son, I do not care about your expectations. You know your responsibilities well. Besides, if she is your guest, would you mind asking her----

"No!" I cut him off.

Yuda snapped at my direction.
"Ask what?!"

Father grinned.
"Tonight, there will be a party. It is actually a meeting that comes up with a party afterwards----

"She won't be interested."

But the little vixen stood on her ground.
"Actually, I would love too."

Father smiled at her.
"Some backbone you have..."

"I am told the same..."

He nodded.
"Well then, I guess I'll see you soon."
He said as he stepped away.

She glared at me.
"Why didn't you tell me about the ball??"

I shrugged.
"It didn't came up."

"Didn't?! Or you have no plans telling me??"

I guffawed.
"Why the hell not?"

She crossed her arms around her chest.
"You tell me."

My brow raised at her.
"What are talking about??"

"Stop playing innocent. I know you want to keep me away from your acquaintances."

"Why the hell would I do that?? Huh??" I gave her a challenging look.

"I don't know! Maybe you don't want them to find out about me! Or maybe you are afraid that someone might misinterpret us! Or maybe, you are just damn afraid that your sweet fiancee will find out! Which is which?!" she whisper yelled.

I rolled my eyes at her in a manly manner.
"I didn't peg you as the jealous type, darling. Though I won't deny that the scene is pretty refreshing... I like your jealous and possessive side."

She pushed me.
"I am not jealous! I just hate it when I found out things on someone that I should've known from you!"

"Look, it didn't came up so----

"It didn't?? Or you just don't want to?!
Why are you keeping me here if you don't want people find out about this b-bond or whatever it is that we share. You don't want to wreck your pretty barbie life so you keep me intact! Now, if that's the case, why prolong the agony?! Let us go because if you must know, we're more than capable of keeping ourselves safe and sane."

"Why do women always overthink to the extent where they assume the worst?? Why can't you just overthink without trespassing the negative side of your brain where all is malicious, faulty and complicated!"

She pointed her finger at me in anger.
"We don't think like that!"

"Fine, but you do..."

"I don't!" she atomped her foot.

"It's cute to see a cub attempting to roar at a lion."

She snickered.
"Lion? You might mean hyena?!" she arched a brow.

I almost choke on my saliva.
"There's no way my powerful self can be comparable to a hyena..."

"Oh spare me with your bullshits, Laverio. Not only you stink like them but you actually look like them! Specially with all the grin and crazy antics..."

I laugh loud. "You're trying to be a joker now??"

But instead of throwing back another smart remark, she flipped me a bird while walking away.

My jaw dropped as my eyes widen.

That's right!
She fucking flipped me a bird!

I groaned as my crotch tightens, it aches for any possible touch that could cause me even the slightest pleasure there is!

Maybe lick her hard on all the holes she have in her heavenly body...

That must be sizzling hot!

My motherfucking hard pipe is now turned on all because she's flaunting her sexy ass like a wicked little vixen she is!

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