Ch 4 - Fight to death

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Yuda's log and stones cabin with my own water scapes near the lake ****


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- Checapps 💕



Five hundred years on dwelling anywhere but the forests didn't help me adjust easily on the lifestyle of a city.

After a few inquiries here and there, I found myself standing in the middle of the forest in the middle of the night.


When I found an ideal place near the lake, I didn't waste much time. With a help of a few magic spells, I am able to build a log and stones cabin with my own water scapes.

So don't get the wrong idea here,
ofcourse I didn't just chant a spell and then a house appears, that's nuts!
I worked my ass hard to find strong logs and nice stones that were perfect for what I had in mind.
I need to chant various spells so I will achieve the design I want.

For my interior design, I choose something simple.
I just placed a glittery gray carpet all over the house.
I hang some lamps made of hardened vines on my living room and on my dining room to give the area some forestry touch. My power source is from both solar power and hydropower. I let my magic spells do the tricks. I made sure to put vases with flowers on every places possible.

Don't ask me how I'm able to do that, living for half a millenium teaches you more than what you can wrap in your bare ass. After the whole building session.

I sighed in content.

Everything feels normal and awesome. I could create my own boat and go fishing.
Maybe this whole curse thing isn't so bad at all.

I decided to take a nap since it is almost four in the morning.


I woke up with the sound of sobs and cries somewhere near the edge of my barrier.
I wanted to go back to sleep but the cries seem like it's been tortured and my conscience won't let me.

With heavy feet and half conscious mind, I decided to peak on my window.

There's no one around but the sound of cries are too familiar for me.


Trolls are well-known as the witches' company and sometimes, slave.
I feel pity for them.

They don't deserve it.

Not all witches care about trolls.

They just wanted to show supremacy through cruelty.

And trolls are kind creatures with big hearts. Some just turn bitter, dangerous and distant due to the experiences it had survived.

Most trolls are enslaved by dark witches and they made them do some of their dirty works.
It's not like they wanted to but it is because they are forced too, dark witches won't take no for an answer.

I slipped on an oversized tshirt with some shorts and boots.
I wanted to see and check the trolls if ever there is a need for an intervention.

But I won't start it unless provoked.

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