Yoongi sighed, sulking darkly. "I really can't argue with you, Faye," he said in a small voice. "I give up. No matter what I say you're just gonna end up doing your thing, so go ahead. I can't deal with your hard-headed ass anymore."

"Great," I beamed. "See you later Yoongs."

"Just," he gripped on my wrist just as I opened the car door, his face creased with concern. "Don't forget who this guys is. He's a ruthless womanizer. A liar. Seducing women comes easily to him. Don't fall another victim under his charm."

"I won't," I promised, giving him a reassuring look. "Now, can I please go on my date before the guy turns ninety?"

Still looking at me with worried eyes, he finally let go and I hurried to hop out of the car, slamming the door shut behind me. Tugging my dress down, I made sure my cleavage was on point before strutting towards the restaurant door.

Part of me was screaming at me to turn back and walk away. It was probably the same part that made my heart race just a little bit. I glanced down at my dress yet again, just checking if everything was flawless. Shyness wasn't usually my gig, so that was weird. I shoved the thought aside, stepping in.

Once I stood at the door, I halted just to observe him for a bit without him noticing. In the brief ten seconds while I did, he checked his phone three times, chewing on his lower lip in nervous anticipation. It made me content.

Slowly, I started swaying in between the tables and in his direction. I didn't fail to notice the hungry looks some men were throwing my way, even in front of their wives. I could never get apprehensive about it; I enjoyed it. I enjoyed being adored and marveled at - what's the harm in that? Being desired made me feel confident and powerful, and right now this was helping me shake off the bizarre feeling I got before walking in.

Eventually, Taehyung noticed me, his eyes widening at the sight of me. Letting out a nervous cough, he stood up as we simply stared at one another for a while.

"I thought you wouldn't come." he admitted in a breathy voice as he took my hand.

Good. Then I've succeeded in making him feel insecure.

"Then why haven't you left yet?" I purred, altering my voice to sound as seductive as possible as I accepted his handshake, holding onto his hand a little bit too long.

"I kept wishing you would come eventually." he confessed sheepishly, his Adam's apple bobbing with a tight gulp.

"Looks like your wish came true." I grinned smugly.

"By the way, these are for you." he mumbled nervously, reaching down for something on the table and extending his arms out stiffly, offering me a bouquet of roses.

I couldn't suppress the small laugh that escaped my throat as I accepted them, noticing the subtle blush covering his cheeks.

"I really love them," I admitted as he walked over the pull my chair for me. "Thank you."

"I ordered us some Chardonnay," he pointed at the wine bottle on the table. "I had no idea what you'd like to drink, so I had to guess. I realize now that it was really stupid of me, I should have waited until you arrive. Anyhow, we could order something else, whatever you say, you name it." Obviously he was trying to keep a cool demeanor which came crashing down once his rambling surfaced.

Could it be that he was already so whipped? Or was it all just an act?

"Relax," I cooed, placing my palm over his hand and he took in a deep breath. "I love Chardonnay, let's just have what you ordered."

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