Empty Seat

14 4 0

My love of you is like a rollercoaster.

I'm in the car, seat empty next to me
The track clicks creating a steady beat
as the car climbs higher.

The bottom of my stomach liquids
turning into an ocean of anticipation.
At first waves sloshed around,
but with each click,
the waves became more violent
Until they crashed into flesh
and the edge of seagulls wings
brush stomach lining.

I squirmed in the plastic seat
right before the car got to the top.
There was a milliseconds pause
where dread cover the ocean
in a thin layer of ice

The drop takes me,
heart crashes in the ice
drowns in salt water.

The world was
smeared in screams.
Objects swapped colour

Then it's over.

The car came to a stop
and I was free to leave.
Screams like ghosts travel through ears
The edge of my eyesight still buzzed
with mix matched colours,
but, breathing started
to become second nature once more.

"How was it." You asked once you saw me exiting the ride.

I lied and said it was fine.

You smiled and pulled at my arm,
dragging me back to the line.
"Great, then we can go on it together."

We got near the front of the line
when you turned, said you forgot something
and that you'll be right back.

But now I found myself on the same car,
going up the same hill.

Maybe next time
you will by my side
instead of an empty seat.

Violet StringsWhere stories live. Discover now