Best Of Friends

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"I think of you as my best of friends, even a sister."

She said, lips curled upward
as she walked towards the fridge
and I, lost in a strange sinking feeling.

It felt like she'd forced pebbles
down a closed throat and both of us
counted the seconds until
we heard the faint echo
of stones hitting stomach lining.

But, I lost count.

The kitchen folded in on itself
wood cabins swayed,
feet couldn't find the floor.

The rest of what you said
was lost to a frosted covered mind.

The thoughts,
why am I feeling this way?
I should be happy,
but, why am I not?

bounced off frozen walls.

I shut my eyes
and answer
over took the questions.

I don't know.

Eyes slowly reopened
the kitchen stopped crumbling,
she was washing an apple
and those words, those feelings
began to folded in on themselves
and curled in a little cubby hole.

It was those words, those feelings
that helped me better understand
who I love.

So, thank you
at least I get to say our friendship
wasn't a waste of time.

Violet Stringsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن