17 - Some Vacation

Start from the beginning

Julie felt sorry for Clare because Bernie's name came out like a sigh. Poor Clare. She knew about unrequited love since she had it with Danny through high school.

Her conversation with Tim the night before somehow brought her back to Kevin and Danny. She wanted to talk to her brother about her confusion. She depended on him and had her whole life much like Clare and Nick always depended on Tim. The difference was Kevin would not always be there for her.

She wanted to call him, but even if it wasn't long distance, he was at work. She was glad Clare went back outside to moon over Bernie because the tears started and she wasn't sure they'd stop. She was crying about her brother.

She tried to hide her face from Tim when he came in to check on her. He sat down on the edge of the sofa. He didn't ask why she was crying. Instead, he stretched out and spooned her on the narrow sofa as he had in the bed. His strong arms felt comforting. He kissed her head and tried to soothe her.

She gained control of her tears. "Jules, will you come home with me for dinner tonight. If you want, we can stay over or you could if you want space from me."

"I need you, but I know you'll leave me."

"Jules, why would I leave you? I love you."

"But I'm not like your other girl and you'll get tired of waiting for me."

"I'll wait two years for you until I'm done with school."

"Two years is a long time, you'll find..."

"I won't find anyone else!" He was adamant, as if he was angry.

"If something happened before I'd be everything my father thinks I am."

This time his voice was angry. "Julie, I'm sorry but your father is a jerk. You will never be what he says. He's a miserable bag of hot air. Come home with me and my parents will remind you that you belong. They love you. I love you. We both know Nick loves you. Clare does too."

"Clare loves Bernie."

Tim groaned. "You noticed. How about you turn and face me? Maybe if you let me kiss you, you'll see how much I love you."

Julie turned to face him. She needed his kiss. "Do you mean how much I love you?"

"Both is fine with me."

He kissed her gently, but she longed for more she felt passion rise and the kiss intensified. It ended only with the slam of the screen door.

Kate said, "Don't mind me. Keep making out. I'll be in the bathroom."

Julie laughed while burying her face in Tim's neck.

"I love your laugh." He went back to kissing her.

Julie went home with Tim. She didn't mind coming back to sleep in the bunk room. The beds were comfortable enough.

It didn't take long before Mrs. Burke turned to Julie. "Julie, you look tired. I'd never guess you were on vacation."

Julie smiled but felt tears because Tim's mother cared enough to pick up her lackluster mood.

"Come sit in the living room with me and maybe later we'll get Tim to play the piano."

Julie followed her, but went to the piano to study the pictures. "Do you have any pictures of Tim's old girlfriends?"

She chuckled. "Tim never brought any other girl home. He fancied a few in high school. He even took one to the prom, but they were never a couple."


She nodded. "I'm sure if you ask Tim he'll tell you. He's been in Boston for a lot of years, so there have probably been others, but no one he wanted to bring home. What's this really about?"

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