36 - Calling in a favor

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Clare's life was full of ups and downs

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Clare's life was full of ups and downs. When she found out she couldn't get vacation at Christmas, she felt down. As much as she told herself it was only one more Christmas away, she hadn't been home for Christmas since her first year. She had the actual day off but nothing more. Marco had to work, so she didn't dare complain to him. She complained to Michael when they met for coffee one morning. She had been seeing more of Michael, but she had't invited him over to her apartment again.

Michael immediately showed disappointment for her. She could count on him to be on her side. She liked it but didn't want to think about why he always supported her. It was more than him being a nice guy.

"I'd invite you to my family, but then you would miss your family more. We could do something together. You know get Chinese food and see a movie."

"You need to go home to your family." 

"I'd rather not."

"No, if you can go home, you should." She was adamant. She wished he was closer to his family. She thought of Julie and how she lost her family and became a Burke. Michael's family was not nearly as bad as Julie's, so they would be hurt if he didn't go home.

"But what will you do?"

"I'll be fine." She lied and Michael knew it. "I have the following week off so I'll be home for New Year's."

Michael smiled and she felt a warmth spread through her. Then he changed the subject. "You know I've been trying to have a barbeque since we met and you keep putting me off. When you get back, you're coming. Bring what's his name."

Clare laughed, because Michael always made a point of forgetting Marco's name. He reminded her of Tim and his nicknames. If Tim ever met Marco, he would come up with a nickname about his muscles.

"What's so funny?" Michael asked innocently.

"I was thinking of my brother. He has nicknames for everyone. He would call you Clark if he ever met you."

"When not if. I told you I am going to Maine to see you."

Clare felt butterflies at the thought of showing Michael the lake, but it would be a mistake. It would end in goodbye, and she was trying to make sure she could handle all her goodbyes.

"Clark wouldn't be original. Perhaps I should get new glasses."

"No!" Feeling embarrassed she regained control. "I like those."

He smiled like he had just won a prize. Dread replaced the butterflies.

Clare had been avoiding her fellow fourth year who was lucky enough to get Christmas week off. Clare didn't begrudge her Christmas with her family but she was from Northern California, so she could still go home for Christmas without having the week off. She didn't like the feeling, but she was building up resentment.

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