Y/n quickly searched the room and found the important files regarding other lab locations, the money the masks were making, and how many civilians had been killed by the masks. Monika came over to Y/n and started wrapping up his bullet wound.

Monika- Y/n, you didn't have to do that."

Y/n- I had to save you. I did what was necessary."

Monika kissed him on the cheek- Ok. Just don't get yourself hurt like this again, please. We could've waited for everyone else."

Y/n- They would've kept... doing things to you. I had to stop that. Now c'mon, lets go kill some more terrorist bastards."

Y/n ran through the tunnels, brandishing his stolen Galil. After releasing the bullets in the magazine, which were much fewer than Y/n had initially believed, two terrorists still stood. Y/n ran up to the first and plunged his blade through the mans forehead, and then used his body as a shield from the 9mm bullets raining from the insurgent's Sterling.

The few bullets that made it through the dead body were stopped by Y/n's thin bulletproof vest, having been slowed by the fleshy body. Monika managed to round the corner and fired a bullet straight through the remaining terrorists head. Y/n, out of bullets, grabbed the Ak-47 from one of the terrorists he had killed and, with help from Monika due to the stinging pain in his wrist from his own gunshot wound, managed to climb up the ladder.

Looking onto the first floor, it was utter chaos. Y/n was quickly grabbed by a worried Elias and carried over to a smaller room with Monika trailing.

Elias- Dude, I need your fucking help! The recruit Luna, she got a bullet in the leg. I tried to stop the bullet, but my shield just wasn't big enough."

Elias pointed to the corner of the room and there was a wounded Luna in the corner of the room, crying out in pain. She wasn't bleeding much, but that bullet had hit her bone, visibly shattering it.

Y/n held up his shot wrist and lifted the makeshift tourniquet- I had to shoot myself to get out. I can't do much with my hand other than pull the trigger."

Monika- Gustave taught me a lot when I stayed with you Y/n. I'll help her."

While Monika wrapped up Luna, Elias and Y/n killed a few remaining terrorists. Ela and Victoria also sat in the room, trying to help Monika patch up Luna.

Ela, seeing Y/n walk over with the wrap on his hand- Y/n, what happened?"

She pulled up his bandage and saw the hole clean through his hand.

"Jezus Chrystus"

Y/n- I'm fine, I did what I had to do to get Monika out."

Ela- Ok, but don't be doing things like that to yourself. It's bleeding a lot."

Y/n- Well, what's done is done. When can we get out of here?"

Ela- Once we patch the tiny girl over there up your recruits lighting up the charge."

Y/n- We have to hurry before enemy reinforcements arrive. C'mon!"

Y/n bridal style moved Luna out of the building, carrying her about 200 yards to the APC. He somehow managed to dodge the bullets from the few remaining terrorists.

Y/n, to the driver of the APC- As soon as we all get in, get us out of here. Both her and I were hit pretty good."

APC DRIVER- Yes sir!"

Y/n took the drivers m4 and shot down the remaining 3 terrorists in the building.

The rest of the group ran to the vehicles shortly after, and then Y/n gave Jonas the call."

Y/n- Building clear, Flinte. Light it up!"

Jonas- This coke labs aboutta' burn all the way!"

Y/n could see Jonas, along with 6 or 7 engineers, scrambling back to the tank as the building quickly burned to the floor. The APC and tank began rolling out as soon as the enemy reinforcements came into sight. It was 1 Humvee with 7 or 8 soldiers in it, all brandishing outdated AK models.

APC DRIVER- Shit, we've got tangos at 6 o'clock."

Y/n and Elias-Fuck.

Y/n- We need to get Luna back. I'm fine."

Y/n was ready to hop onto the .50 cal turret when he heard a rocket fly by and a loud explosion.

He looked up to see Jonas, holding an AirTronic RPG-7, fist bumping the turret gunner of the Abrams.

Y/n could hear the co-pilot communicating with Jonas- Nice shot kid. Just saved us a hell lotta trouble."

It was a quiet drive back to the base, other than the occasional wince in pain from Y/n as Monika tried to treat his tender wounds, or a cry in pain from Luna.

When they arrived at the base, Y/n had lost a lot of blood. He immediately went into the medical tent, whilst Luna was stretchered into the tent, with Monika following closely behind.

Field Doctor- How'd this happen to you, kid?"

Y/n- Locked me up, used my gun-glove to blast the chains off."

Field Doctor as he sterlilizes his tools- Damn. You got lucky. You shot at the side close enough that it just barely grazed the bone, but it's still gonna take a while to heal. You'll live though. Just will need dressings and a cast. That girl over there though, she got hit good. Her fibia's shattered. She won't be able to walk on it for at least 12 weeks."

Y/n- It's my fault. If I hadn't gotten knocked out and locked up I would've been able to shoot him."

Field Doctor- It's nothing life threatening, there was nothing you could do. And did you just say something about getting knocked out?"

Y/n- Yeah, I got pistol whipped. My girlfriend over there, the tall blonde, she got smacked with an AK."

Field doctor calling to Monika- Miss, miss, over here please!"

Monika walked over.

Monika- What's up? Is Y/n ok?"

Doctor- He's gonna need a cast for 4 or 5 weeks, and he's going to have a gnarly slice on his arm for 2 or 3 months, if not longer. I'm about to stitch him up. I heard about you being buttsmacked. Do you have a concussion?"

Monika- Yeah, probably. I'll be fine."

The doctor did tests on the two of them and Monika had a minor concussion, she hadn't been hit as hard as Y/n thought, and he had no concussion, just some bad bruising on his head.

All throughout the procedure while Y/n had his wound stitched, Monika held his hand, during the whole 20 minute process. It hurt like hell, but with his girl by his side, Y/n felt alright.


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