Chapter 27: Swap!

Beginne am Anfang

"YeP, eVerYtHinG iS oK. Why dOn'T yOu gO iN aNd cAlL tHe OtHerS tO chEcK oN tHeM?"I suggest

Blue nods and runs inside to do the task. I quickly remember what Cross told me to do, so I whip my phone out and text him quickly. 

"Hey. At Dust's place. Safe as far as I know. Have Dream and Nightmare with us. Warning, they may act differently."I typed

Not even a minute after I sent it, a portal opens and in came Cross. I knew why he came so I lower the barrier from Dream and Nightmare. This is gonna be interesting. Cross charged at Dream, little did he know it was really Nightmare in there. Cross wraps him into a hug. I could see Dream glaring his brother down while Cross believed he was hugging Dream. His glare said:Don't mess this up with Cross or I kill you.

"Dreamy! Thank the stars you're ok!"Cross cheers

"Who you calling Dreamy? Get off me!"Nightmare snaps, struggling in Cross' grip

"You, silly! Aww, okay. I get it, the situation still has you uptight."Cross says, releasing him

Cross then looks to Dream as Nightmare. I could tell he tensed. I could see Nightmare's shocked expression as his face lit up. The fact this was happening while he was stuck in Dream's body was hilarious. Dream looks at Cross and grins, tentacles freezing behind him. Cross' face got a nervous expression.

"Hello, Nightmare! I'm glad you're okay as well!"Cross says quickly

Dream turned to the calm form and hugged Cross. Cross was completely caught off-guard. He looks to me for help or an explanation.

"N-Nightmare? Dream? What's gotten into them?"Cross asks

"WheN I sAiD tHeY aCt dIfFeReNt, I mEaNt iT. ThE gLiTcHy kId mAde tHeM swAp bOdIes. DrEaM sOmEhOw lEaRnEd tO mAke NiGhtMaRe look like hImsElF bEfoRe tHe iNcIdeNt nOw tHat hE's in cOnTrOl."I explain

"Ah, interesting. Wait so I was hugging Nightmare and called him...? S-Sorry Nightmare!"Cross exclaims

Nightmare was clearly furious and planning something, but I look at him to remind him that he will regret trying anything. He just huffs and looks away, not answering anyone.

Dream on the other hand, he scooped Cross up and ran off to talk or whatever. Nightmare yelled after them but got no answer and he didn't try anything else. He just laid back against a tree and said that we should plan something....later. He then dozed off. I look at Ink and he shrugs.

"NoW, to cAlM yOu dOwN."I say, popping the cap off the vial he gave me and handing it to him

"Ooo! A yellow one!"Ink mutters, taking and sipping it

His eye lights become stars, bright yellow, then go to a circle and square, one yellow and the other orange. He looks up at me and smiles. He then shut his eyes, nuzzling his head against mine. I gaze at him and smile, he looks peaceful and adorable as usual. I feel a sudden hug from behind. I look behind me to see Blue there hugging me. It was so sudden, so I quickly tensed. He released me and looks at me. I look at him as he smiles.

"That was cool! You really did talk some sense into those childish two!"Blue says with a chuckle

I nod, calming down from the surprise hug.

"Come inside, we're making plans for taking that glitchy kid's plans down. Maybe we can show them the good of this multiverse and that there's no need to swap things."Blue says

I nod. I carry Ink inside and we sit on the couch. Dream, Cross and Nightmare came in and sat on the floor even though there was plenty of space left. Dust began discussing with them the events that have occurred and ideas for rebelling plans. He told of the known info and what can be done. Each of them kept giving suggestions and Blue gave Ink a new sash of vials that he made using the broken ones. Ink soon woke up. Ink looks to find himself in my lap. His face became a rainbow. I smile. I look at the others and explain to them of the containers I saw in Nightmare's and Dream's crowns. I search my pockets but couldn't find it. I look around and see them on a counter, empty now. I was confused. 

ErrorInk:To Be Enemies Or Not To Be EnemiesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt