Chapter 11

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AN: I hid a really obvious tv show reference in here, let's see who can find it ;D it's literally a whole character based off of a tv show character.
[Song on repeat: Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance]

It had been two hours since they had loaded Sky onto Rock's back, and he had gone unconscious only minutes after that. He was still out cold, and no one made a move to get him to wake up again. They did, however, keep a close eye on him to be sure he was always breathing. The faint rise and fall of his chest was the only sign of life he showed. Sky's boot had been removed, revealing the charred skin underneath. Jerome made sure he ran water over it every once in a while to soothe it, just in case Sky could still feel all of this. He didn't want him to be in this kind of pain if he could do something about it.
Bright lights shone up ahead, causing each one of them to pick up the pace without saying a word to each other. Even Rock was going at a steady canter, mind set on getting his caretaker to safety. As the light grew closer and closer, each adventurer's hope grew. Each step got them closer to safety, to real beds, to rest, and to help for their friend. None of them expected what they were about to find.

"PLEASE! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! MY FRIEND, HE'S IN TROUBLE!" Jerome yelled as they entered the village. The sound of a door slamming open filled the air around them, and their heads whipped around in search of the source of the sound. Two boys emerged from behind a building, and Frags gasped.

"Is that... Is that Sky?" The one in the blue spacesuit asked as he eyed the man atop Rock. The younger boy next to him stayed silent, only blinking in shock. Only one eye was visible, as the other was hidden under a fringe of reddish-brown hair. A pair of neon green headphones hung around his neck, the cord stuffed neatly into the pocket of his black jeans. A dark brownish-red color surrounded his pupil, an eye color Jerome, Damien, nor Preston had seen before. Everyone stayed silent and Jerome simply nodded, walking over to Rock's side.

Damien stepped up after a moment of silence. "How did you know this?" He asked, venom filling his tone. He felt threatened by their knowledge, and a bit betrayed that the others seemed to know something about these strangers that he did not. Frags shook his head quickly and put a hand on the man's rigid shoulder. Damien shook it off and turned his gaze to the relatively shorter boy next to him.

"He's okay, it's alright. These are Sky's friends. We found them." Frags smiled reassuringly. Damien nodded his head after a moment, but made no move to show any kindness towards the strangers. His muscles remain tense as he turned his head from person to person as they spoke-he wasn't about to let himself or his friends be attacked.
Jerome turned back to Jason and Ty.
"Sky is in danger. He inhaled too much smoke going through the village and he needs medical help right away. Please tell me you have a doctor..." He informed them as he lifted Sky's limp body from the horse's back with a grunt. Sky's arms and legs hung down, swinging as Jerome walked. Jason nodded, motioning for Jerome to approach. Jason could tell from Damien's stance that it wasn't wise to make a move towards them.

"Come with me, I'll take you to the Medical House. Ty, take these two to the stables. Put up their horse then lead them to the others. Ry can take them from there." A smile smiled graced the spaceman's lips before he continued. "Just remember to keep the flint and steel away from her." With that, Jason turned and began to guide Jerome out of sight, Sky in his arms. Ty watched them go before turning around with a very unpleasant face. It was obvious to Damien and Frags that he would much rather be someplace else. Anywhere else, really. Damien grabbed Rock's lead rope and began to follow Ty to the stables, Frags close on his tail. After a couple of minutes of silence, Ty cleared his throat and mumbled his first words to them.

"Thanks for uh, bringing Sky home, I guess..." He muttered, stuffing his hands in his pockets and flipping his hair back into place. Frags took a few long strides to catch up to everyone.

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