Chapter 5

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(Song on repeat: New World by SkyDoesMinecraft)

Pain. That was all Sky could think about, the unbearable pain. He tried to take in a breath, the pain flashing to his lungs and all throughout him. With each breath, the pain got worse and worse until all Sky wanted to do was scream. But he couldn't. He couldn't scream, he couldn't cry, he couldn't move. He couldn't even open his eyes. All of his attention shifted to his breathing, making sure he had enough oxygen to survive. But at this point, he was debating whether that was even what he wanted to do anymore. Was the pain worth it? Was the pain worth more and more pain, going on for Notch only knows how long? He didn't know, but he kept fighting anyway. Fighting for his life, fighting for his friends. He could faintly hear the muffled talk of his comrades in the back of his mind, speaking in hushed whispers. Every once in a while, Sky's name would pop up. Jerome spoke of their adventure, and Frags asked questions, such as what the amulet did. Jerome answered to the best of his ability but, being a Bacca from the forest, not a Warrior of the kingdom, he didn't know all the answers.

"I just hope he wakes up soon. We need to set off again, and though I don't know his friends or anything of the kingdom really, but I know that the only way we can stop the mobs from taking control is by finding that necklace thingy. So we have to find it." Frags said. Jerome stayed quiet, probably nodding. However, Sky wouldn't know.

After a few more moments of silence, Jerome spoke once more. "He's the only hope. He may be an idiot, he may be a pain in the-"

"Watch it."

"Fine. He may be a pain, but he's all we've got to defeat these little mongrels. So we have to protect him as much as we can."

Sky stopped listening to focus on his breathing again. But of course, as soon as he focused on himself once more, the pain came flooding back. From his head to his chest to his legs, pain flowed through him. It never got better, it never stopped. It felt as if every time he breathed, an anvil was dropped onto his chest. Over and over, again and again. All he could to was fight through it, and attempt to move. He shifted his thoughts around once more, allowing himself to breathe subconsciously. He now focused on moving, and finding his body once more. He couldn't feel his body, only the utter pain the ravaged his entire being. A constant flame in him, roaring through his bloodstream and attacking him over and over.

"Feet. Where are my feet?" He wondered in his mind. As he attempted to move them, he realized nothing happened. It was like his foot was asleep. "Wait... The pain! I can use it! I wonder how much my feet hurt from walking, and jumping from that tree, and running. I wonder... How much do my legs hurt from riding that horse?"

The pain rushed down his body, before landing at his feet and partially his legs. He slowly wiggled his toes, before rolling his ankles. After that, the rest of his body came back to him fairly easily. Piece by piece, he regained feeling, until his head. As he gained control of his head, the pain only rattled through it with a new determination- to take him down. He did the only thing he could do at the time.

Scream. Scream as loud as he could. His eyes snapped open, bloodshot and burning. "MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP!" His desperate cries rang loud and clear, echoing through the forest, his vision was blurred and wobbly, as if he was drunk. His head pounded with his heartbeat, rapid and painful. He had never felt such pain in his life, and he never wanted to feel it again. It was unbearable, too much for him to handle. He writhed around on the small platform his fellow adventurers had created, luckily with walls so he did not fall to his untimely demise.

"HE'S AWAKE!" Frags called, tumbling into the room. His hair was messy and his face was covered in dirt, nothing like when they met. He had been clean and not a hair was out of place. Obviously the adventure was taking a serious toll on them all.

The Search For The Amulet ~A SkyDoesMinecraft (and Others) AU DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now