ONE - First Assignment

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"I've been through an election before, Cadet Noire. Admittedly, it has been fifteen years since the last one." Commissioner Fokle inclined his head to the bland maroon chair Zenetra had just vacated. "Have a seat."

"Yes, sir."

Sitting on his own padded leather armchair, Commissioner Fokle placed the files in a methodical row across his desk. "Are you interested in becoming involved in the election?"

Though she knew cadets were oftentimes placed in teams that had nothing to do with their focus of training, policing the streets for the upcoming election would not be an assignment that offered any experience in her preferred field. "Not particularly, sir. What's your opinion of the candidates?"

"My opinion is irrelevant, as every commissioner's opinion is." Commissioner Fokle's hands folded together over the desk and he amused Zenetra with an answer anyway. "Gustav Ewald has been the governor of the capital for fifteen years. He has the necessary experience, as does the Honorable Rimilde Proinsias. Her career is broad. She would be a bold choice for Prime Minister."

"And Governor Ewald?"

"A traditional one." Commissioner Fokle unclasped his hands and reached for a file. "I am well aware that this is your last year as a cadet. If you pass your field training, you will be promoted to a first-star constable."

Inhaling a deep breath, Zenetra released it with a determined, "I'm ready, sir. I can handle the fieldwork."

"I have no doubt in your abilities, Cadet." Commissioner Fokle grabbed an ink pen and began jotting down a message on a slip of square paper. "I've assigned you to a team. They are in need of an expert tracker. You are currently the top trainee of search and rescue, tracking, and problem-solving. The Hive will have a field day with this as soon as word gets out, which is why I decided to wait until the last minute to put you on the team. I do not want them getting wind of this until after you are already on your way. We have a leak in this building and it's spewing information like a geyser does water."

For a field trainee to be assigned a team on their first day was unusual. Zenetra was eager to do something, though. She despised sitting behind a desk and having to listen to her partner jabber on about nonsense. Working on a case was exactly what she needed. "I understand. What's the assignment?"

"Have you ever heard of Scarlett Burn?"

Zenetra blinked exactly three times. "Are you being facetious, sir?"

Commissioner Fokle set down his pen in the exact place it had been before. "Am I the type of person who jokes, Cadet Noire?"

Her head was shaking back and forth before Commissioner Fokle had finished his question. "Everyone's heard of Scarlett Burn, sir. She's a famous explorer from Naiaca."

"We received a radio distress call from her five days ago."

Sitting as far back in her chair as she could, Zenetra crossed her legs. Scarlett Burn—missing? Now that was worthy of front-page news. "Where was her distress signal sent from?"

"Middle of the Ghost Sea." Commissioner Fokle handed Zenetra one of the files on his desk along with the slip of paper. "From what we've gathered, Scarlett Burn was on her way here when her airship flew into a storm. She was able to give her last location before we lost all communication."

Zenetra took the file and piece of paper. Meeting Room Five and Team Yellowbird were scribbled down in black ink. In light of the leak, it seemed Commissioner Fokle was forced to resort to using codenames.

"Five days of no word over the Ghost Sea is not a good sign, sir."

"Neither is eight years."

Zenetra bit her tongue at the thinly veiled allusion to her sister's disappearance. "I didn't say the case was impossible."

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