Chapter 22

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This day definitely marks down as top ten worst days of my life. Never in my life did I think I would have ended up in jail. Anna, Kelly and I are stuck in one cell with three other women, while the guys are who knows where.

We've been in here for an hour waiting for aunt Stacey to come bail us out.

"This has to be a mistake! We are good people! And I'm to pretty to be in here!" Kelly whines to the sheriff sitting in his desk outside of the bars.

I'm sitting on one bench and Anna is sitting on the other bench furthest away from me. We haven't talked at all since we've been here. And the more time I stay in here the more time I realize what me and Gabe are doing could be a mistake.

Kelly plops down next to me with her arms crossed annoyed. "I'm going to kill Brett when we get out of here," she huffs.

"Diddo," I agree.

"Hey what's going on with you and Anna, are you two in a fight or something?" She ask.

"Yeah kind of," I frown.

"Well whatever it is, don't put me in the middle of it. Unless you buy me something, then I'm totally on your side. What are you two fighting about anyway?"

I see Anna glance at us knowing she heard Kelly's question and stares at me wondering if I'm going to tell Kelly the truth or not.

I look at Kelly trying to find the words to tell her about me and Gabe, but instead I say, "We we were just arguing about Brett, and how I don't think he's good for her," I lie.

Anna shakes her head annoyed and looks away, and I frown feeling like the the biggest piece of shit on this earth.

"Well after what happened tonight, I don't blame you," Kelly shrugs.

"I'll be right back," I walk away from Kelly, towards Anna.

Anna sees me coming and turns away from me.

"Anna please I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry. I didn't mean what I said earlier, and you're right what I'm doing is wrong, and I'm going to fix it."

She turns back to me. "How?" She asks.

All of the sudden the sheriff opens our cell. "Alright ladies you're free to go, turns out it was just a misunderstanding."

"Oh thank god!" Kelly rushes out of there, as if the place was on fire.

Anna looks at me and frowns before she leaves following after Kelly, and I follow behind her.

After a long traumatic day we finally make it back home, and we are all exhausted. Gabe parks in front of my house and everyone gets out of the car.

"We will never speak of this day again," Kelly mumbles, half asleep.

"So babe, I'll see you tomorrow?" Brett's asks Anna.

"Don't count on it," she walks away from him.

"Hey Sky can you help me with this stuff?" Gabe asked.

Anna looks back at us knowing it's just an excuse to talk. She shakes her head, and heads inside the house with Kelly.

Gabe gives Brett the keys. "I'll see you guys tomorrow," he tells them.

Brett gets on the driver seat still upset as Max gets in the car with him and they drive off.

"Can we talk now?" He asks, frustrated.

"Gabe please not tonight, it's been a long day. We'll talk tomorrow okay," I tell him.

"No we're gonna talk about this now! So what,  because your best friend doesn't approve of us you want out?"

"It's not just that Gabe! I'm hurting everyone I care about! Anna, Ben, Kelly, I don't want to loose them because of this."

"You won't, you just have to give them time to adjust."

"You really think Ben will just get over the fact that I'm dating his brother?"

"Who gives a fuck about Ben!"

"I do Gabe! And as his brother you should too! Unless stealing me away from him was just an added bonus for you?" I accuse him.

"What? Do you think I'm only with you to get back at Ben?"

"No I don't think that's the only reason, but given the situation between you two it wouldn't be a surprise that a small part of you wants to get a rise at of him."

"I can't believe you. Yeah, I admit I don't really like the kid, but I would never want to hurt him just because."

"But you don't seem to care at all about his feelings, or how this will affect him."

"He didn't care about mine! He knew how I felt about you, but he went for you anyway. Look I would never want to hurt him intentionally, but do I care about how he'll feel about us, no not in the slightest."

"Well you might not care, but I do. I thought I could just be selfish and choose myself for once, but it's not worth hurting the people I care about."

"So what you're going to go back to him?" He asks, pissed off.

"No, I'm going to tell him it's over and hope we can remain friends. I'm not going to tell him about us, I just can't do that to him, it will kill him."

"So what about us?"

"Well if there isn't an us, there won't be anything to tell right?"

"I don't believe this! You're really going to throw what we have just so you won't hurt your fucking friends feelings? That's fucking bullshit Sky, and you know it!"

"Look I know you don't give a shit about anyone but yourself, but I'm not you okay. I can't keep sneaking around hoping we don't get caught. That's not normal."

"Fine then let's go tell them right now. No more sneaking around, no more secrets. We can be together the way we really want to be."

"We can't! Don't you get it? Anna knows and she hates me, and she was the last person I was worried about finding out. I can't keep losing the people that I love. I've already lost my brother and my parents, my friends are all I have left," tears start to fall from my eyes.

"You have me," he frowns.

"But you weren't there for the past two years. You were never there when I needed you. You weren't even there when I lost Cameron," I cry, and he puts his head down ashamed. "As much as I want to be with you, I just can't risk it. I'm sorry," I try to walk away, but he stops me.

"No, no, no you can't do this. Skylar please!" He grabs my face with his hands. "Listen to me, I love you, and I know deep down you do too. Please, don't do this, we can't make this work I promise," he begs.

"I'm sorry, but you're not worth loosing the people I love," I remove his hands and run into the house. Thankfully, he doesn't follow.

I enter the house and lock the front door. I look around and the place is empty and all the lights are all off. Thankfully, Anna and Kelly went straight to bed. I wipe the tears off my face trying to pull myself together, and head to my room.

When I walk in, I turn on the lights and nearly scream when I see that there is someone in my room sitting on my bed. His head lifts up and my heart drops to the floor once again. His eyes are glossy red as if he has been crying all day. What on earth is he doing here?



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