Chapter 20

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We meet Gabe and his friends at his place, so we could all ride together. Brett's friend Max, who is also Kelly's little fling has a Jeep that fits all of us. Gabe offers to drive while Brett and Max sit in the back with Anna and Kelly on there laps, and I end up sitting in the front seat with Gabe considering we're the only ones "flying solo."

Of course as soon as we start driving they are already flirting and making out with each other. Gabe turns up the music to drown them out, then looks to me and smiles, as I return one back.

I know what he's thinking. The way he has his hand out, waiting for me to take it, linking mine with his. He then smirks at me daring me to do it. I just smile shaking my head looking away, and he lets out a low chuckle.

Not a chance Gabriel.

Thankfully, the drive was short and we get there in ten minutes. Today is the perfect to day to go sailing. The sky is clear and the sun is beaming with cold lake breeze passing us by. We hop out of the car and grab our stuff, and by stuff I mean alcohol and junk food, and head to the boat.

"There she is!" Brett points to his boat.

I actually give Brett some props. I honestly expected the boat to be a dirty frat looking boat, but looks actually really nice. It's small, but also just big enough to fit all of us.

This is your boat?" Anna asked, shocked.

"Well it's my parents, but yeah it's technically mine," Brett shrugs. That checks out.

"Yeah as long as his parents never find out," Gabe comments.

"You are correct sir!" Brett grins.

"Brett this is beautiful!" Anna exclaims.

"Thanks babe. Yeah she's a beaut, it's a Sundancer 320, big enough to fit all of us, and fast enough to have some fun," Brett grins.

"Wait, who's gonna drive this thing?" I ask.

"I am!"

You've got to be kidding me.

"Hop on aboard! Let me give you a quick tour," Brett hops on the boat as we follow after him.

The boat is absolutely beautiful. The seats are all white and modern, and the open windows make everything look so open and bright.

"Alright so you have your water deck, our grill, and underneath it we got a cooler, mini fridge, and trash can. We got a nice seating area with table, a lounge seat, and love seat, the captains chair where I will be running this thang," he walks us to the front of the deck. "And up front we have three seating lounges so you can enjoy the the view and suntan, or whatever," Brett shrugs.

"Well I know where I'll be camping out the entire time," Kelly sets her bag down, and lays down on one of the lounges.

"Yup thought so. Anyway, bathrooms are downstairs as well as a bed and another seating area. The bed is for you and me later sweetness," he grabs Anna, and starts kissing her neck making her giggle. I roll my eyes, and swallow down my own vomit.

I know I have no reason not to like Brett, he hasn't done anything wrong. I just can't help it, I just got a bad feeling about him.

"Alright I'm gonna get this thing going!" Brett leaves, but not before slapping Anna's ass on the way out.

I look around and see Gabe unloading the drinks and junk food. He looks up and notices me staring and winks giving me his gorgeous smile, and I can't help but smile back.

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