Chapter 15

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When I saw tears run down Skylars face and she ran away I wanted to chase after her. Unfortunately, Ben was already right behind her. I know I should be happy that they're in a fight, but I'm not. If anything I'm irritated. If he hurt her in any way I don't know if I can stop myself from beating the shit out of him.

More than anything I wish I can go over there and see what's going on. Did she tell him about us? Did he break up with her because of it? Did she break up with him? I smile at the thought of it.

No, she didn't tell him. Ben would of came after me as soon as she told him. Something else must be going on between them that I don't know about.

I clean up the the coffee and broken glass on the floor that spilled when Skylar bumped into me. As I finish cleaning and pour myself another cup of coffee, I hear someone enter the kitchen and I look up and see it's my good for nothing father.

"Morning son," he says.

"Morning," I mumble.

"What was all that racket earlier?"

"Oh, Ben and Sky got into a fight," I shrug.

As if in cue we here the front door open with a hard slam right after.

"Ben is that you?" Dad calls out to him.

Ben enters the kitchen with his eyes all red and glossy, with what looks like he's been crying. Punk bitch.

"Son are you okay? What happened?" Dad asked, concerned.

Ben doesn't answer him, instead he stares at me with rage.

Oh shit, he knows.

"You!" He seethes. I set my coffee down ready for whatever's to come.

Bring it on little brother.

He charges at me until Dad blocks his way to me, and takes a hold of his arms to stop him.

"Whoa! What is going on?" Dad yells.

"You stole my ring you son of a bitch! Admit it!" Ben yells.


That's what he's upset about?

"Whoa son, calm down and explain to me what's going on."

"Skylar and I had a fight, so I was going to give her the ring and propose to her, but my ring is gone!"

"Maybe you just misplaced it."

"I didn't misplace it! He took it!" Ben points at me.

"I didn't take your stupid ring. I didn't even know you were planning on proposing to her. Which is a stupid idea I might add," I tell him.

"Liar!" Ben screams.

"Ben calm down!" Dad snaps. "Gabe if you have his ring give it back to him now!"

"I don't have his fucking ring!" I snap.

"Son you're going to be late for work. Look for it when you get back, I'm sure you'll find it. Look in Gabe's room if you have too if you feel like he has it," Dad suggests.

"Whatever," Ben shrugs dad off still glaring at me, and he finally leaves the kitchen and heads upstairs to him room, slamming the door.

"Well, that was entertaining," I say.

"Did you take his ring?" Dad asks in a more serious tone.

"No. I know it's hard for you to believe since I'm your most disappointing child, but I don't have a reason to take his stupid ring."

"You are not a disappoint to me," he frowns.

"Sure I'm not."

"I'm sorry okay, if you didn't take it I believe you. I just feel bad for him you know, he's been really looking forward to it. He really loves her."

So do I.

"I know," is all I could say.

"I really wish you and your brother would get along," he frowns again, and I just roll my eyes at his silly thoughts. "Remember when we would visit your Grandpa for a couple days every summer. We'd go out to the lake and go fishing. It used to be like a family tradition of ours. You two use to love it."

"No you two loved it, I hated it." Because I was away from her.

"Well we should try and do that again. I remember that being a time when you two actually got along," he chuckles. "How about this weekend? Ben will be off for three days, it'll be perfect."

I'd rather have a slow painful death than spend three days with them.

Then an idea hit me.

"Sorry I can't I have to work, but you and Ben should go anyway. He could probably use the head space right now," I suggest.

"Yeah that's a good idea, I'll ask him. So what do you have going on today?" He asks.

"Nothing," I shrug, and walk out of the kitchen. I've been around my father more than I'd like to.

I head up to my room and I see Ben in there looking through my shit.

"Find what you're looking for?" I ask.

Ben turns to me and narrows his eyes, and walks over to me.

"I know you took it," he accuses.

"I didn't take your stupid ring, and what idiot tries to propose after he gets dumped."

"She didn't dump me!" He snaps.

"Not from what I saw," I shrug.

"You don't know shit okay! I'm going to propose to Skylar with or without that ring. So this stupid game of yours isn't going to work. She will say yes, and we will get married."

I can't help but smirk. "We'll see."

"Yeah, we will see," he narrows his eyes at me before he storms out of my room.

When I hear the front door close, I walk over to my window and open it. I lift up a small piece of the roof and grab the napkin hidden underneath it. I open up the napkin to find the ring still in place.

I gaze at the ring wondering if all this is worth it. Is she worth it?

Last night after she left with Ben, I lost all hope and drank more than I should, and ended up bringing some random chick back home. She was hot yeah, but she reeked of beer, cigarettes, and cheap perfume. Even when she was sucking my cock I couldn't get it up. That's been happening a lot lately I've noticed. I know it's because guilt was eating inside me. Even though me and Sky aren't together, it felt like cheating. It felt like I was betraying her and my feelings for her.

I know stealing Bens ring is low, even for me, but I just couldn't help it. Just picturing her wearing it alone kills me. I know I'm going to give it back eventually, I just still need to see if I have any chance to make her feel the same way I do for her.

Stacey is right I am in love with her have been since I first laid eyes on her. With her long beautiful brown hair and breath taking blue-ish green eyes. I remember when I first saw her I thought she was an angel. She is an angel.

My angel.

I put the ring back underneath the roof piece. I look up at the house the girl I love lives, and smile.

Yeah, she's definitely worth it.


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