♕Chapter 57♕

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Chapter 57 Of The Bad Boys.

Oriana's POV

I took Axel's hand and dragged him outside of my house and to the car. I pushed him into the car and he did his seatbelt whilst I got into the driver's side. I put the keys into the ignition and drove off once I closed the door.

"Where are we going?" He asked and I ignored him and kept my eyes on the road. "Oriana, don't play games with me. You'll regret it." I looked at him for a second and laughed then faced back forward. "Oriana, I swear to-" His voice broke off as I drifted around the corner and his eyes widened. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"No, I'm not. I know how to drive, I'm good at it. I used to race against Bryson all the time and he taught me how to drift." He nodded and faced back forward. I turned around the last corner before my parent's house and parked on their drive.

"So because I met your parents, I thought you could meet mine." He froze and shook his head.

"They hate me! I bet they still blame me from when you failed your test!" I shook my head and dragged him up to the door. I opened it and shut it after we both walked in.

"We're here!" I yelled. Both of my parents walked over and looked at both of us. "How comes your both here? I thought it was just going to be one of you."

"We both came here because it was easier than for him to meet us at different times and it was easier for you two as well." I nodded and they took a step forward and looked at him.

"Hey," Axel said nervously.

"It's so nice to finally meet you." My dad said with a grin and shook his head. "I'm Michael." Axel nodded and smiled at him and then turned to my mother.

"I'm Caitlin." My mother said. I could tell by the way she looked at him she wasn't fond of him and I
knew why. It was she knew he was a player and she thought he was going to break my heart.

I coughed from how awkward she was making it and signed in relief when Daniel came out from the kitchen. I don't know why he was here, nor did I care but I was thankful that he could make this less awkward.

"Hey Axel, Oriana." He grinned at us. "Dinners nearly ready mum, I just checked for you." She nodded at him and everyone except my mother sat down at the table.

"I have to make sure, you aren't the reason that Oriana is staying for another year?" My dad asked Axel and my jaw dropped. How the hell did they know? I looked at Daniel and he coughed and looked away. He wasn't good at hiding things, he never was.

"No," Axel replied firmly.

"Aren't you mad that I have to stay another year?" I asked them.

"Your mother was absolutely livid and I, on the other hand, knew it was going to happen. There's no point in having a go at you, it's your life. If you want to fail school then that's your choice."

"Great parenting." Daniel snorted. My dad rolled his eyes at him and then looked back at Axel.

"What college are you going to?"

"I'm not going to college." My mother dropped the knife on the counter and looked at him in shock. "I'm taking over my dad's business immediately after I leave school." She sighed in relief and carried on finishing dinner.

"Good, a businessman. Are you good at it?"

"Yeah, way better than my dad." He said cockily and I giggled. I never knew he was interested in business, he had never brought it up before.

"You got yourself a cocky one there." My dad laughed whilst looking at me and I nodded.

"He is really cocky." I looked at Axel and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Says you." I laughed and watched my mum place down all of the food. I smiled at her and as soon as she sat down everyone dug in.

It was quiet for a few minutes, but it wasn't awkward. It was a comfortable silence and I didn't mind it until my mother had to ask something. "So, Axel, what are you going to do when Oriana moves to London? It won't be long until it happens, you two will be in love and her heart will break again, just like it did when she moved away from Bryson." I rolled my eyes out of frustration and placed my knife and fork onto the table.

"You don't have to answer that Axel." I locked eyes with her and I raised my eyebrows. What game was she playing at?

"If we're still going strong then I'll move with her." I looked at him and my jaw dropped.

"What?" Everyone asked.

"My dad told me that I could move with you, we have multiple buildings in each country over the world where we do business and there's one in London where you used to love. There are also multiple apartments we own in London, you and Alexis, Christopher and I can share an apartment and you can get Ava and all of that lot to stay as well. You won't have to pay for the rent, won't have to pay for anything." Both my mother and I covered our mouths in shock.

"You'd do that for her?" She asked and he nodded.

"Anything." I locked eyes with him for a few seconds.

"Then you're welcome to the family." She said and leant back. "But break her heart and I'll ruin your life." Daniel laughed at her threat and Axel nodded and ate some of the food.


"Axel!" I yelled as he walked to his car. He stopped and turned around and I quickly strode over to him and we wrapped my arms around him. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

"What's this for?"

"For saying what you said to my mum. It made her shut up and she doesn't hate you as much now." I grinned and he looked down into my eyes.

"Oriana!" My mother yelled and I turned around to face her. "How many times have I told you to close the door when you've walked out of the house? You're letting all of the heat out!"

"Sorry!" I yelled and turned back around to Axel. "I'll text you later, yeah?" He nodded and I pecked him on the lips. I could see the surprise evident in his eyes. "Bye Axel." I laughed and walked back into the house and shut the door.

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