His eyes glazed over and he clenched his jaw, irises flashing bright yellow.

"Are you okay?" I demanded, frowning, but he only nodded at me and I watched as the bright hue faded back to a dark coal black, no longer smoldering. 

"Your arm," he growled, gripping the cast with tentative fingers. "I did it. I still see that moment in my head whenever I look at that cast. The looks on your face before, during, and after. You say it is not my fault, and in a sense you are correct... but I was still the one who delivered the blow."

I didn't stop to think or question my actions when I leaned close and kissed him, tightening my arms around his neck. Even with the cast on I held him... not like it was too hard to bend it after all the abuse it had been through these last few weeks. 

I was actually kind of amazed it hadn't fallen off on its own.

It wasn't until I heard a strange gurgle and felt him shift that I paused.

"What the heck was that?" I asked, staring at his twisted and somewhat pained expression. "Are you hungry?"

"The opposite," he huffed without opening his eyes. "I have stomach cramps."

My brows jerked up. "I didn't know werewolves could get stomach cramps."

Sebastian opened one eye and tried to bare his fangs at me, but failed. 

"It happens," he grumbled. "Very, very occasionally."

"Really? Because in my experience you guys never get sick. Any kind of sick. Like ever."

Sebastian squeezed his arms around me a little bit tighter and winced before muttering, "we can still get sick if we eat too much Chinese food. Or the wrong kind of food. Or too much sodium."

"Did you?" I asked, startled and when he reluctantly nodded I asked, "when?"

"While you were sleeping," he muttered. "You were buried in my shirt and I didn't want to wake you so I simply moved and had Diana bring me plates of food. It was Chinese and I ate too much of it. Greasy foods aren't good for our digestive systems... same goes for chocolate."

"And certain herbs, which happen to be in Chinese food," I said lowly, instantly touching his belly. "What did you eat? And how much?"

"Seven plates of chicken Lo Mein with fried beef teriyaki strips on sticks," he muttered, then scowled and added, "as well as three plates of orange chicken and broccoli with rice." 

I made a face, mentally calculating the calories.

"No wonder your stomach is messed up," I murmured, raising my good arm out of his very loose neck hole and carding my fingers through his hair. "Sorry, big guy. Next time I'll be awake to make sure you don't go overboard on Chinese. Would some tums help?"

Sebastian closed his eyes and leaned into my caressing fingers. "You're not funny."

I smirked and flicked him gently on the ear. "I'm hilarious and you know you love me." 

"Indeed I do," he reluctantly grumbled. "You're damn lucky I do, too."

"Yeah, I know," I sighed. "I wish I could help you, though. Stomachaches are no fun."

"It's okay," Sebastian grunted. "Just... this is good."

I curiously scratched his head and blinked when he made a pleased noise. "This is good?"


"Okay," I chimed, and kept stroking my fingers through his hair. Maybe he'd still be miserable for a couple of hours, but I knew instinctively that he'd be considerably less miserable as long as he had me lying right here beside him, sharing a shirt. I fisted my hand in his hair after a while and closed my own eyes, still obnoxiously tired and completely lulled by the vehicle's movements.

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