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Bunny day was a hit and it had been such a success that Jungkook decided to extend the themed day to a themed week. There were so many customers from foreign towns and kingdoms who had even come to Omelas because it became famous online. Because of this, however, Jungkook had been so occupied and busy that he had no time for the princes. They tried to text him but Jungkook was so tired. Many kids came to the store too, so as a result, there had been many spills and messes that Jungkook needed to take care of.

The decorations not only attract kids but many alphas, betas, and omegas interested in Jungkook. Since the princes were curious about who Jungkook worked with, they went out of their way to meet Yugyeom. Jungkook didn't know but Yugyeom knew exactly who they were and agreed to keep their identities a secret. He saw how the alphas looked at his best friend and he knew that Jungkook deserved to be loved and treasured. So not only did he keep their status a secret, but he also texts them updates about Jungkook. 

However, Yugyeom needs to at least have a bit of fun, so he also updates them with how many people are flirting with Jungkook. To say that the princes' reactions were funny would be an understatement. Their possessiveness and jealousy was a source of entertainment for Yugyeom and while he might feel a bit bad, what type of best friend would he be if he didn't give their potential significant other(s) a hard time.

Needless to say, the alphas were more and more agitated to not only be away from their potential mate but the knowledge that so many people were interested in him and could potentially swoop him away...the thought made them shudder. They tried to respect Jungkook's boundaries since they technically weren't dating him so they couldn't throw a jealous fit, but one of the alphas couldn't handle it.


It was Sunday, the last day of Bunny week and Jungkook was so tired, he's shocked that he and Yugyeom are still standing on their feet. They had to extend the opening hours all week. They opened at 8 am and closed at 10 pm, but they also need to prepare everything two hours in advance and they have to clean up for around an hour. They barely had any time to chill or even sleep.

Jungkook was currently cleaning up the last tables. He let Yugyeom leave early since he knew that he missed Bambam. He was looking forward to just sleeping in. Because of the busy week, he decided to close Omelas for the day on Monday.

He finished everything when he suddenly heard somebody knock on the door very loudly. Jungkook carefully opened and smiled.

"Jiminie!" He opened the door wide and jumped in his arms.

"Jungkookie!" The alpha hugged him tightly, carefully breathing in his chocolate chip scent. Oh how I missed this smell~

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked him excitedly.

"I missed you," He answered honestly making Jungkook blush and whisper a soft 'same', "And I was wondering if you wanted to do something with me?"

"Like a date?" The omega wondered with childish glee. He still didn't know what dates really were, he thought they were just special hangouts with friends.

"Just like a date." Jimin smiled widely at him, his eyes basically disappearing from how wide he's smiling. "Now get changed into something warm and meet me outside."

"What are we doing?"

"It's a surprise," Jimin answered with a wink.

Jungkook squealed and hurriedly went up the stairs. The tiredness he once felt dissipated after seeing Jimin. He had missed the alphas so much this week and he couldn't wait to hang out with them again.

Jungkook changed into soft black pants and put on an oversized yellow sweater. Then he ran back down the stairs and went outside. There he saw Jimin in a fancy looking red car.

"Woah~ It's so shiny," Jungkook said in wonder. Jimin chuckled at his reaction and pressed a button that made the passenger seat door open.

"Come in" he ordered softly. Jungkook followed his order easily and went into the car. As Jimin drove Jungkook looked outside in wonder. The car went so fast, everything blended into one. Jungkook put his hand outside and was overjoyed to feel the air brush against him. His innocent reaction made Jimin melt, it also made it extremely hard to focus on the road.

Finally, Jimin parked the car and went into the back to get a huge blanket out.

"What is this for?" Jungkook asked.

"Follow me and you'll see," He said mysteriously. Jungkook loved surprises so he joyfully followed him. After a couple of minutes of walking up a hill, they finally reached the top and Jimin laid down the blanket and silently sat on it. Jungkook followed his lead and sat beside him, but left some space.

"Why are so far away from me?" Jimin asked and before Jungkook could answer, he put his arm around the omega's slim waist and pulled him towards him. Jimin laid down on his back and Jungkook did the same. While Jimin was getting comfortable, Jungkook was blushing so much that he couldn't think straight. He felt so overwhelmed with Jimin's lemon scent and just his presence in general.

"Why are you looking down? Look up." Jimin whispered. He gently nudged Jungkook's chin up towards the sky. Jungkook stared at the beautiful night sky and started to feel calmer. The familiar light of the moon seemed to caress the omega and he softly smiled.

"Wanna know something?" Jimin said in a hushed tone. Jungkook slowly turned his head to look into Jimin's eyes, tilting his head in a curious manner. "The first time I saw you, my breath was taken away. Your eyes had my heart shaking. Your beautiful eyes, so wide and so round. It's as though you hold the whole night sky- no, it's as though you hold the whole galaxy in those eyes of yours. So shiny and so precious. And now, whenever I look at the night sky, I think of you."

"I'm sorry?" Jungkook whispered confusedly, not knowing if he was complaining or complimenting him.

"Don't say sorry. I love being reminded of you. You've become so important to me in such a short while." He grabbed Jungkook's hand and put it on his heart. "Please take care of my heart."

He looked at Jungkook with such an intense stare. Jungkook couldn't believe what he was saying, is he confessing to me?? And for once, instead of overthinking everything, he let himself go with the flow.

Jungkook lifted himself on his elbows and leaned his head towards his chest. Jimin sucked in a harsh breath but Jungkook couldn't hear anything over the hard beating of his heart. He then softly kissed his chest where his heart resides. He could feel the soft heartbeat on his lips and he lifted his head to look at the alpha.

"As long as you take care of mine" His eyes reflected the stars in the sky and Jimin couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Deal" He softly whispered. They both went back to their original positions and continued to stargaze. They didn't say anything more, they didn't have to.


"Close your eyes," Jimin said gently. They spent 2 hours stargazing, talking and enjoying themselves. Right now, they are at Jungkook's door since he was still extremely tired.

Jungkook closed his eyes slowly and felt Jimin's breath on his face. He was shocked when he felt a soft kissed on his eyelids. He opened his eyes and saw Jimin's face. He was slightly flushed and he held a blinding smile on his face.

Oh Moon~ These boys will be the death of me~


Thank you for the 3k reads!!! 

Please don't hesitate to leave comments, they always make me smile. 

Have an amazing day,

I love you~ 


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