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"Hey Kookie!" Taehyung said cheerfully as he walked into Omelas. Jungkook excitedly waved at him but looked confused to see nobody else with him.

"Where are the others?"

"Why? Are you not happy to see me?!" Taehyung said dramatically with a hand on his chest, acting as though he was shot.

"No! No! I love seeing you! TaeTae I'm so sorry I didn't-" Jungkook stopped rambling when Taehyung gently ruffles his hair.

"Don't worry Babe, I was just joking"

"Still! I really didn't mean it that way..." He mumbled with a cute pout. Taehyung merely chuckled at his cute expression and pet his soft pink locks.

"Well, the others needed to go run some errands and left me all alone so I thought it'd be the perfect opportunity for us to hang out just the two of us," Taehyung said confidently.

"I'd love to!"

"You mentioned that you liked art so I was wondering if you wanted to paint or draw with me. I bought a bunch of new tools that I want to try out." The prince said excitedly. Jungkook fondly smiled at him. He was so passionate and was just so sweet. Jungkook was struggling to not melt into a puddle.

"That's perfect! I actually found this spot next to the stream in the woods that I wanted to capture."

"Perfect!" Unconsciously, in their excitement, they started holding hands and were staring deep into each other's eyes.

"Excuse me?" A customer behind Taehyung asked. The alpha and omega hurriedly separated and Jungkook went to serve all the customers that were lined up. Taehyung waited for Jungkook to finish and close up. Since it was Friday, the store closed earlier so if they were fast enough, they could have the best lighting.


Jungkook just closed up and wore dirty jean overalls with paint stains that he always wore when he was painting. He was carrying his art bag with a canvas, his brushes and all the tools he needed. The omega also prepared cinnamon cookies since he wanted Taehyung's advice on them, and he brought Taehyung's favourite cookies, chocolate chip cookies. (Nope, totally not blushing).

"So how did you find this spot?" Taehyung asked as they were walking to the spot.

"I walk into these woods a lot. I love the tranquility of it and just being able to appreciate my surroundings. One day I was walking like usual and I found this poor little butterfly stuck on a branch. I freed it and I followed it to the spot."

"You amaze me," Taehyung said after a few minutes a peaceful silence. Jungkook tilted his head at him in a questioning manner.

"You live so simply. You see potential and joy in things that people usually brush away or don't even pay attention to. Your ability to see beauty in everything is so amazing. I wish I could do the same."

Jungkook stopped walking and turned to Taehyung. He gave the alpha a small smile and held his hands.

"You still can if you want. The beauty of nature is one that is free to all of us. You just need to open your eyes and your heart." He softly pulls him in this bush. Taehyung closes his eyes as they walk through the bush and when he stops feeling a bunch of branches and leaves digging into him, he opens his eyes.

Taehyung suddenly understood why Jungkook reacted that way when he saw the waterfall at the picnic. It seemed as though everything was brighter, happier. The beauty of nature was blinding and Taehyung could spend hours just admiring the view. However, nothing was more beautiful than the omega in front of him. Jungkook's pink hair matched the pink flowers and he seemed unearthly in the sunlight.

"Gorgeous~" Taehyung whispered under his breathe making Jungkook look at him with a smile so wide and so happy. What shocked Taehyung, however, was his reflection in Jungkook's eyes. He saw himself smile and as he touched his face, he realized that he was unconsciously smiling. Nobody had ever made him feel that way, ever, and he wanted to treasure this. Treasure Jungkook.

Jungkook started setting up his canvas but took his time. Taehyung merely stared at him for a bit and then started setting up himself. They sat there for hours, just painting the beautiful view. Jungkook painted the stream, the flowers, the trees and Taehyung did the same, but his had something extra. In the middle was Jungkook painting, his hair being gently brushed by the wind.

Taehyung knew that he would always cherish this day and this painting, but he also knew that this wouldn't be his last painting with Jungkook in it. He could never truly be able to capture the beauty of Jungkook with his brushes, but he would spend the rest of his life trying to.

Taehyung was falling so fast and he couldn't wait. He couldn't wait to make Jungkook his queen, his partner, his mate. He couldn't wait to make him HIS. 

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