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They ate at this cute little Italian restaurant called Serendipity. The food was amazing and they spent the whole time laughing and smiling. Unlike at the picnic, Jungkook actually took part of the conversation a lot. This made the alphas happy that their mate was comfortable with them. Taehyung and Jimin were especially happy and proud after they had a small food fight that involved meatballs. The fight made Jungkook laugh so hard that he almost fell backwards and his eyes teared up. The sight and sound of his laughter and joy was beautiful, and Taehyung and Jimin felt their ego grow three sizes since they were the ones that made him smile like that.

After eating, they roamed around at a slow pace, digesting and just enjoying the overall perfect mood. It was when Yoongi noticed a salon that they went to their final destination. Yoongi needed to re-dye his hair since his roots were starting to show. Since they were going to wait for Yoongi to be done, they all chose to dye their hair.

Taehyung decided to dye his hair blue, Jimin chose black and Hoseok chose to dye his hair orange. Namjoon retouched his purple hair and Jin did the same with his blond hair. However, Jungkook chose not to get anything done since he didn't need a haircut and he had told the guys he preferred to keep his hair natural. But secretly that wasn't it.

Jungkook would love to dye his hair a fun colour but the fear that he'd look bad with it and that the alphas wouldn't like it, made him to scared to try.

While he was waiting for the others to start, one of the workers at the salon came to talk to Jungkook.

"You know you have beautiful hair" She said kindly, her soft beta smell making him feel safe. He blushed and thanked her.
"Have you ever considered dying it?"
"Well... Yes but I don't think it'll look good on me" He looked down and played with the hem of his shirt nervously.
"Are you kidding? With your face, every colour will look good on you!"
"But what if... what if...."
"What if your alpha friends don't like it?" He nodded shyly.
"Honey, let me tell you something. With the way those boys look at you, you could wearing a trash bag and they'd still think you look good. C'mon, give it a shot. I promise you'll look amazing" Jungkook stared into the beta's eyes and only saw genuine honesty and kindness. He hesitantly nodded and the woman squealed.
"Great! I'll prepare the other room so that you can do it there"
"Wait, why can't we do it in the same room as the others?"
"Don't you want to surprise your alphas?" She smirked at him and he blushed, she said YOUR alphas... I like the sound of that.

The hairdresser went to go prepare the room and Jungkook went to the alphas to give an excuse for why he was going to another room.

"Alphas?" They all turned to Jungkook, "I'm going into the other room to get a haircut and get a hair treatment done, is that ok?" They all nodded and Jungkook hurriedly went into the room. He couldn't wait to surprise them.

Some time passed and all the princes were done. They all looked amazing and they couldn't wait for Jungkook to see them. They all eagerly wanted to impress the omega, even if it was with something as shallow as their looks. However, they got the surprise instead when Jungkook came out of the room.

It seemed like the wind had been knocked out of their chest as they saw their precious omega with pink hair.

"Jungkook... you look..." Taehyung started.
"Beautiful. You look beautiful Kookie" Yoongi finished.

"Really? You like it?" He asked shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.

At that point the alphas couldn't breath. They just enthusiastically nodded their heads to the point that Jungkook was starting to worry. Jungkook was especially worried for Jin who was turning red.

"Are you okay?"
"hkwhgkkgkesrgejhrigvjnse" Jin mumbled.
"Don't worry Jungkookie. It's because his favourite colour is pink." Namjoon chuckled at the alpha's behaviour, but could relate so much. Internally, he was screaming and yelling and panicking.

"I'm really glad you like it!" Jungkook gave them his bunny smile and that with his hair...the combo killed them.

"Guys? Guys...? Alphas...?" Jungkook asked as they all started turning red and blue from the lack of breathing.

After waiting for them to calm down, they started making their way out of the mall. Jungkook had so much fun and couldn't stop smiling. The alphas felt the same way, but were still constantly looking at Jungkook and his hair to see if they didn't dream it.

They drove Jungkook home and just as they were about to climb back into the car, Jungkook back hugged Taehyung. This made him stop and as a result, all the others paused as well.

"Thank you so much for today! You have no idea how much it meant to me." He then went on his tippy toes to kiss Taehyung's cheek and did it to all the other members. They all looked at him in awe and he giggled at the cute blush they all had.

"Looks like we're matching" He joked, pointing at his own red cheeks.

After waving a last goodbye, he went into his home and closed the door. Jungkook leaned against the door and took a deep breath.

It's almost as though they were courting me, Jungkook giggled at his own thought and went into the kitchen to get himself a cookie, cause he flipping deserved it!

(As he ate his new cinnamon cookies, he sighed to himself and could feel the butterflies in his stomach flutter. His heart was beating a soft rhythm and he looked at the gentle and sweet moon. Thank you. Thank you for letting our paths cross.)


Posted a new story called Perfect Colour Palette, check it out if you want to 💜


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