A/N please read

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Hey guys

Just an authors note, need to say a few things.

First of all a massive thank you to my most dedicated voter and commenter misssydney01 :) she is amazing be a bae and go follow her

Second of all, sorry for the slow updates. I just kinda fell out of love with the story, the comments and votes stopped, the readers froze, and I just kinda got upset. I was going to delete it

But I updated a small chapter and I have 888 readers which is AMAZEBALLS and ily guys so much for it. If you guys could get me up to 900 by Friday I will do a double update with some major dedications to the ones who have always been their for me.

I'm sorry, I really am, for not updating. I used to update like everyday, but now I'm not. One of my close friends just left school for 2 and a half weeks for an operation, then told me he might be moving schools,and that made me quite upset. But their is also another thing.

Some of the readers might know this but, I thought if I tell you all, you might understand

My mum is pregnant with a baby girl, called Lydia. She will be born in 2 weeks. But she has a few things wrong with her, she has a cleft lip, where her lip hasn't been fully formed, and palette, which means she won't be born with a roof of her mouth. This will stop her from feeding normally, talking, and in some cases,breathing. She will need 7 operations when she is born to construct her lip and the roof of her mouth.

But that's not all, the doctor told my mum that their is to much fluid surrounding Lydia, which means their could be a chance that she could have down syndrome. That news for me killed me. This is my little sister, the girl who will look up to me, and she may not even know who I am. And this actually kills me every single day, from the inside, but no one seems to notice. No one seems to care.

And I just can't take it anymore

One last Wish (Jerome Jarre❤️) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt