♟ Chapter 12 ♟

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"I am fi- we aren't fine, Ethan!" My wolf screamed out in agony.

Mason looked at me with shock. My wolf had just called out his last life's name. Of course, he had to overcome his shock. Then he looked down at my fingers and then my body, "Your demon..." he breathed out the sentence. I nodded my head. He looked around the room. "We have to get you out of here." I glimpsed at Bella. 

"What if she wakes up?" I asked him.

"I don't think Bella would be happy to see you in your beastly form." I nodded my head in approval. I dragged myself out of the hospital room and made my way to the exit door. Mason caught my hand, making me wince. I turned around to glare at him, he shook his head, "We don't want others to see and get petrified than they already are of you." He thought for a while. "You're a wizard. Use your power and take both of us to the west forest." I nodded my head. 

'Silva plagal.' we both closed our eyes. I felt a whoop of air hit my face. When my moments stop, I opened my eyes to find woods around me.

"Woah! Your power has increased a lot more than before," Mason said panting. 

'He's overpowering me. I can't stop him. I'm sorry.'  I felt my wolf slip at the back of my head.

"Why is he coming out all of a sudden?" I asked to no one in particular and neither did I get the answer. I felt myself slipping my control to something dark. 

"It's getting hard for you to control. Isn't it?" Mason asked.

"Don't tell him anything related to Bella. He shouldn't go near her.  He may hurt her." 

My control slipped away completely. My nails on my fingers and toes grew to claws. I felt my canine tooth getting elongated and my black wings sprouting from my back slowly yet painfully.  My body size grew taller and became more built. I could feel more powerful than before. I let out a loud deafening growl in satisfaction of feeling strong.

I was no longer myself, I was no longer Xanthos.

I was Vlaxin, my demon.

V   L  A  X  I  N

"Xan-Xanthos?" I heard someone mutter. I looked down at the person. Ethan Mark. My Beta. 

"Tut, it's not Xan-Xanthos, Ethan. I could smell the fear from you so you already know who I am. Vlaxin, does it ring a bell?" I asked him letting out a dark chuckle. Fear. I loved it when it radiated from others. 

"Yes, my king." He bowed his head down to me.

"Hmm... still respectful I see," I said before folding my wings back. "Now from where did we come?" 

"You-you were at home and-and we were-" I pushed him against a nearby tree with my right hand encircled around his neck.

I clicked my tongue. "You know I hate when people lie, especially to me." 

"Pardon me, my king but Leonardo requested me not to tell you." He struggled to speak as my grip tightened around his neck.

"I would have killed you the minute you lied but because of your loyalty, you're still alive. Now, tell me where were we before?" I looked at him with my now livid onyx coloured eyes. 

"Wolfville's human hospital." What was I doing there?

I started walking not caring whether he was following or not. Once, I reached the hospital I started walking in the direction from where my scent was coming from. 

I reached door number 203. Why were Xanthos and Luciano here?

I opened the door only to be hit by a familiar smell. A very familiar smell. The smell which lures whenever I breathed it in. I looked inside the room only to find a bed in the middle with machines around it. I stared at the person lying on the bed. 

There, lying on the bed was a girl who seemed very familiar. Someone pushed at the back of my brain.

'What the fuck do you want?' I yelled in my brain.

'Hello to you too Vlaxin. Can't you remember her? You were the most whipped from the three of us by her.' Luciano tried to recollect my memory.

I thought for a while, who was she? Why do I feel in peace? I stressed myself until the answer clicked in my head.

"Amanda," I breathed out.

I heard Luciano and Xanthos sigh in relief.

'You both thought I would forget her and hurt her.'

'And we still doubt you would hurt her.' Xanthos said with a suspicious tone. I just huffed and focused my eyes on her.

My Amanda, my love. She was lying on the bed with tubes attached mainly to her head. I made my way towards her and bent on my knees. She was the only one for whom I went to my knees and I'll always be below her. She was the conqueror of my heart. My queen.

"My Amanda, it's been so long since I last saw you." I leaned down to press my lips on her forehead. When my lips touched her skin, she woke up; startled. 

"Hello love, what happened?" 

"Who are you? Go away!" Ouch! That fucking hurts!

"It's me Vla-Xanthos." She looked at me, more like observed me with her doe eyes. She looked so fucking cute.

"Your eyes," she pointed out.

"Its colour is the same. Right, Mason?" 

"Yeah, it's the same brown colour." Mason supported me. When I looked at him, I gave him a warning look. He took a step back; away from me.

"Xan-Xanth-" she coughed. Mason went to the other side of the room before getting a glass of water.

"Le-eo I-I can't i-it's- imp-possible." I let out a sigh getting reminded of her last breaths.

However, it was possible, sweetheart.

"I was so scared. What was that growling sound yesterday?" My eyes softened as she said she was afraid. Mason let out a chuckle. 

"Yesterday? You were in a short-period coma for seven days." 

"Seven days?!" She exclaimed, looking adorable with wide eyes.

Mason nodded his head. "Bella about the growling... it was a huge wolf. It entered our school premises and started growling but didn't attack anyone." 

"A wolf?!"

Mason sighed. "Yeah, there are many wolves here."

"Wha--" she began coughing.

She looked tired. "Sleep for some time and then if you are good enough then you'll be dispersed from the hospital."

I controlled my urge to kiss her.

I got up and walked towards the door. 

'Xanthos and Luciano, I want to spend some time with my mate and know more about her till then I will be in control.' 

They muttered an 'ok' in return. They wanted to argue but they knew I didn't ask them any permission, I ordered them.

 They wanted to argue but they knew I didn't ask them any permission, I ordered them

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Hiya all!

How was Xanthos' and Vlaxin's P.O.V?

Leonardo |✔|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora