♟ Chapter 11 ♟

Start from the beginning

"Xanthos, thank you for aiding me." He snapped out of his trance and gazed at me.

He smiled but I knew this time it was unnatural. Something was disturbing him. I did want to help him but I didn't want to force him to tell me his personal problems. Was I being too suspicious about my personal life though?

"I have got to go, take care." He walked in the opposite direction.

I started walking to my French class by following the signboard. Once I entered the class, I made my way to the seat which was at the top of the last corner. As I sat, the door opened and in walked Natasha now wearing a pair of white sports shoes. She looked around and when her eyes landed on me, she made her way towards my direction.

"I noticed yesterday also, you always sit at the last seat. Why is that?" She asked as she sat along with me.

"I like sitting here." I shrugged my shoulders. The bell rang, signalling the starting of the period. A man who looked in his late twenties walked in the class making the entire class grow silent.

"He seems to be our new teacher now," Natasha whispered.

"He is new? What happened to the old professor?"

"He was a 70-year-old man. He passed away a week before."


"Bonjour tout la classe. Je m'appelle Zanon Alonzo. je remplacerai votre vieux Professeur de français."
(Good morning everyone my name is Zanon Alonzo. I'll be replacing your old french teacher.)

I understood what he said as I learned French at my old school.

"Bonjour Professeur, Alonzo," I shouted from my place.

I looked around and noticed all were looking at me weirdly.

What? I just greeted the teacher. Maybe we were not supposed? Feeling embarrassed, my cheeks burned.

"Quelqu'un d'autre qui a remarqué ma présence?" He asked sarcastically.
(Anyone else who has noticed my presence?)

All nodded their head and greeted him. "Bonjour Professeur Alonzo."

"Je compte sur vous tous pour me saluer quand j'entre dans ma classe. Maintenant, asseyez-vous." We all nodded our head again and sat down.
(I expect you all to greet me when I enter my class, now sit down.)

"Girl, you made a first good impression." Natasha whisper.

"I just greeted him, you see we should have common sense."

"Which ain't common." She muttered.

"Aujourd' hui, nous allons commencer par la conjugaison de verbes..." He began teaching about how to conjugate verbs.

I heard Natasha snoring beside me. I controlled the chuckle that was trying to escape from my mouth.


I heard the high pitched school bell ring. I tried to wake up Natasha. "Natasha, wake up," I whispered to her. She even slept during calculus. We both shared the majority of the class. None of the teachers even scolded her, it was as if they were used to it.

"Five more minutes..." she grumbled.

"Natasha, you're at school not at home," I screamed in her ear, getting frustrated. She jumped awake.

"Who is having puber-phonia?" She shouted; gaining the majority of class attention. She turned around and looked at me. "Did you complete your puberty today?"

"What?" I asked her confused.

"Why was your voice squeaky?"

"Oh god! My voice is the same. I screamed in your ears because I was really getting annoyed."

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