~Chapter Eight~

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I head over to the washroom to start removing my makeup and brush my teeth. The thought of what Nick said keeps replaying through my head, all the nasty things he wants to do I do too. At this point I don't know how much longer I could hold back.

I head back into my room removing my dress and grabbing my pjs from my dresser. I pull out the first thing I find which is silk black shorts and tang top set.

 I pull out the first thing I find which is silk black shorts and tang top set

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I then head over to my bed and lay there on my phone. After about 6 minutes pass I still can't stop thinking about Nick and how much I want him. I decide to make a bold move and leave my room.

I head over to Nicks room and open the door slowly. As I close the door behind me I see Nick is still awake and on his phone. "Hey, what you doing... though you were going to sleep?" He questioned me as I walked over to the side of the bed he was on. "Well I mean I was but I couldn't get you off my mind." I say to him softly as I get on his lap and sit there looking in his eyes.

"I guess I'm just to charming." He said as he sits him self up against the head board and moving his hands to my thighs. We just sit there for a bit taking in the moment of us together. "Fuck it." I says as I crash our lips together causing nick to be in shock. Seconds after I connect our lips I feel Nick start to kiss back, next thing I know his tongue is asking for entrance, and the horny fuck I am I let it happen.

He starts moving his hands to the hemming of my shirt and tugs at it signalling he wants to take it off. "Okay, that's to soon." I say to him as I pull away for a second. When I connect our lips again Nick decides to flip us over so he's on top of me. After a 30 minute long make out sesh we pull out Nicks Mac book to turn on Netflix. "Now i know what I was missing." He says to me as the screen loads. "Well at least you won't ever have to wait for me to kiss you again." I says as I snuggle up under his arm with my head resting on his chests. "So what do you want to watch?" He questions me while he scrolls through Netflix looking for something.

"Let's watch the society I heard it's a really good show." I mention out as he passes it. "I mean sure, but it's a show so we aren't gonna get it finish it tonight." He tells me with a confused look on his face. "That's fine with me, gives me more reasons to come back." I say to him looking up into his eyes and laying a kiss on his lips.

We are 42 minutes into the show when I start feeling my eyes get heaving. I snuggle up into Nick even more than I was before. My eyes start to close but before they do I hear a bang on the wall. "Did you hear that." I questions while sitting up out of my comfortable position. After I said that I could hear giggles coming from someone's room, and I knew exactly who's.

"Omg don't tell me they are doing it..." I mumble to my self but enough for Nick to hear. "Wait they have had sex?" He questions as he looks at me. "Just come with me." I say stepping out of the bed and grabbing Nicks hand so he could follow me out of his room.

I lead Nick and my self over to Edwins door that was closed but unlocked. "Should I open it?" I asked Nick as I placed the hand that wasn't holding his on the door handle. "Is that even a question." He says as he places his hand on top of mine turning the door handle slowly.

We then peak our heads in to see the sight of Edwin fucking Izzy from behind. "Shit Ed, you getting it." Nick says as he starts jumping , smiling, and laughing in excitement. "Shit shit shit." Edwin says as they both collapse onto the bed and cover them selves. "What the fuck are you guys doing." Edwin said as he was embarrassed. "What are we doing, what the fuck are you guys doing." Nick said with a laugh even though he knew the answer.

I look at izzy giving her the look of 'dang girl I'm proud' as she gives me the same one back. "You know what, we are gonna leave so you guys can finish." I said as I pushed Nick out of the room closing the door behind us. "They out here fucking twice now and you won't even let me do anything but kiss." Nick says in disappointment. "Shhhhh... and who said I wouldn't, I just won't have sex, at least not yet." I say to him quietly as I pull him back to his room.

We both finally get comfortable again but with out Netflix and just each other's presences. "You make me happy, you know that right." Nick says to me as we are snuggling on his bed. "Always." I say as I kiss his bare chest before dozing off to sleep.

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