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Byrd stood guard at the mouth of the cave, her back pressed against the cool rock. They hadn't been found yet, but they still remained inside. She glanced over at Murphy as he helped run wires through the cave, passing it to Raven as she worked to fix the radio with Shaw watching on. Kane watched on silently, Emori and Echo outside wiring up the antenna. 

'What?' Raven cocked a brow at Shaw's awed face. 

'Is there anything you can't fix?' He asked. 

'Except my leg? Nope.'

'I mean, it did take her six years to get us back down to the ground,' Murphy drawled. 

'Yet here we are. He hates when I'm that good.'

'Careful. Cave's not big enough to fit your head.'


'Ok, well, then what about Eligius Three?'

The woman didn't reply, glancing at the boy who wore a cocky smirk.

'Ah, she has the look of failure right there,' He pointed at her.

Shaw looked to Raven expectantly, 'When we were on the mothership, I hacked the Eligius files. I just couldn't crack that one.'

'All right. We're all set. The antenna's aimed at Polis. Fire it up,' Emori stated as she and Echo strode back into the cave. 

'It's not connected yet,' Raven shook her head. 

'So, connect it,' Echo pressed. 

'What's wrong? You got spotted?' Murphy asked.

'Worse. They're not looking for us anymore.'

'What do you mean?' Diyoza sat up from where she laid in the floor. 

'Ok, you want to be useful? What does it mean that from the antenna position, we saw your people moving weapons and supplies to the northern perimeter?'

'If McCreary's moving his troops north, then Wonkru's on the march again.'

'So much for blinding the Eye,' Murphy muttered. 

'Quiet, Murphy,' Echo hissed.

'Look, we can't be helpful unless we know all the facts,' Kane spoke up after a moment of silence.

'The facts are I got played. They hacked the Eye in the sky,' Diyoza looked to them; 'I'm impressed.'

'Don't be,' Byrd muttered; 'If Rat knows they're coming, then we've failed. Without the element of surprise, it'll be a massacre.'

'We have to tell them to go back,' Raven crouched down to grab her things; 'Let's get this thing on top.'

Byrd moved with them, leaving the cave to stride up to the antenna position. She watched over them as they finished the set up, before taking them back to the cave where everyone watched on expectantly. 

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