Jungkook stepped back and went plopped back on his bed to figure out what to do with his life next. He was so unfocused that he didn't realize he let some of his power work by it self. The furnitures were floating and dancing along the air. Till. "K- OH MAI GAWD KOO" Kelvin said which brought back Jungkook to senses.

All the furnitures fell down with a loud thud. Kelvin sighed as he knew that this room would need renovation now.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked innocently as if nothing feel on the floor. "umm. We were think of going outside. Get ready?" kelvin said not sure what to say.

"Where are we going?" Jungkook asked emotionless. Something was bugging him. But he didn't now what exactly was it.

"Some where to be fresh. We know you need rest." Kelvin said as Jungkook nodded his head in agreement.

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♥️100M | 💬99.9 M
Golden_kookie: Should I cut my hair? 🥺🐰 I don't want too...

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kookiewife: HE CAME BACK. He killed me with that hair. NOW I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU CUT HIS HAIR.


Jimochi: ^

wwhjin: ^^

intelijoon: ^^^

Yoonkitty: ^^^^

Sunhobi: ^^^^^

Officialjennie: i still don't like them but ^^^^^^

Officiallalalalisa: ^

Officialbambam: ^^


Jungkook changed into his comfy outfit. His hair was styled a bit and it made the boy more beautiful if it was even possible.

Many things have changed in past few months. Jungkook's career was blooming like there is no tomorrow, His hair grew along with his body structure. Bts was still struggling but Jungkook forgave them a little which gave them a little hope to try harder.His work load and training load was increasing day by day. So here Jungkook was trying to relax his mind.


They reached a beautiful forest. The waterfall was mind blowing and when you look at it you feel like you are in heaven.

The boys were enjoying their time. But happiness doesn't stick forever you know? So he it was a loud boom in the sky. Smokes and light could be seen in the sky.

[ring ring~ ]

Jungkook looked at his phone. His mother ordered him back home.

After arriving home. They gathered in the living room. "It's time" Mrs.Jeon said. "What?" Everybody asked confused.

"The time has arrived for koo to take on his duty." She said. Jungkook felt a lump in his throat. He didn't know what to say. "We have to go announce the king in my world." Mrs.Jeon said.

"Okay! But what on earth is happening on the sky." Calum asked. "It the message from underneath. The have began the procedure to rise up again." Mrs.Jeon said.

"But i'm not ready mom! I am not ready to take on and lead a whole army." Jungkook said. "You are my son, you are" Mrs.Jeon said.

Jungkook couldn't think anything. The voices in his head was growing loud. "I AM NOT READY" He yelled as he stormed towards is room and closed it a loud thud.

"You cannot even take to you mother properly, you think you can lead the army. You are going to be the reason of many deaths. You are useless. You don't deserve to have these powers." The voices said. "Shut up" Jungkook said as he took a few breaths.

He walked back towards the living room peaked inside. The boys and the mother saw the fluff ball's head poke out along with his body in a minute. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. Please forgive me." Jungkook said looking at the ground as he puffed his cheek with a pout.

Everybody melted at the sight and gave him a very long hug. Jungkook bid goodbye properly saying he was exhausted and went back to his room and locked it. His back pressed against the wall as he slides down pulling his kness against his chest.

"I'm not ready. I don't deserve this. Why is it me out of everybody. I am not even good at anything." He spoke as he began crying.


Here you go another chapter. PLEASE DON'T EAT ME 🥺🥺

ANYWAY!!! The war is going to begin. BTS is going to take part in too. BUT THE LOVE STORY STILL NEEDS A BIT MORE TIME. Cause you don't just forgive them and boom love. Nah we gonna make them work hard for our kookie cause he deserves it. Well BTS deserves it too. BUT THE REAL LIFE ONES DESERVE THE WORLD. Here let them have the world slowly. idk what i am saying but thank for reading this and wasting some time for my unknown rant

I purple you guys~💜💜
See you next time 👀🍪

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