One big Saltzman Family

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Yess, the last filler chapter, I know sad right but, the show must go on. This takes place after everyone come back to school, and spring break is still on. Some kids are starting to return, but a certain set of sisters want to get away for a while, and our hybrid is going along with them 😊.

Rafael's POV

Two days.

Kaeden has been asleep for TWO DAYS. After getting back to the school, Hope and Doctor Saltzman ran exams on Land and Kay, Landon is fine and trust me I'm happy, but they said that the majority of Kay's wounds are healing but he'll still need time, until he wakes up.

Two days. Well I think it's been two days, after Hope gave me that potion thing to drink, I've been out of it really. Sometimes I can watch the clock tick by for hours then other times, when I close my eyes and open them back, time flys by. Literally.

Landon and Hope have been inseparable, which I don't mind really, but I just want Kaeden to wake up.

"Please wake up," I mutter softly knowing no one can here me,

I sit on the edge of my bed and watch him sleep. Yes my bed, I straight up refused to let them keep in the school infirmary and I wasn't gonna let him be alone in his dorm room so, I brought him into mine and Landon's.

A knock on the door pull me from my thoughts, and I growl unconsciously.

"That," I say once I catch myself,

I got up and walk to the door, wondering who it could be. I open the door and my expression falls.

"Hey man," Jed says in my doorway

"What Jed," I say as I walk back over to Kaeden.

There's a pause and I glanced at him, to see him staring at Kaeden in the bed.

"He's fine, just hasn't woken up yet," I tell him and he nods.

"Some of us got worried when we heard, but more wolves are here and they wanna know what's the plan for the semester," Jed tells me with his eyes fixed on Kaeden

'CAN HE STOP STARING AT HIM!' I yell in my thoughts

"Yea......yea I guess let's hold a meeting in the gym," I said while getting up and scratching my head,

"Faster I get that over with, faster I get back to Kaeden," I mutter softly not caring if he heard.

I walk into my closet and change into my P.e clothes. Once I'm dressed, I make my way towards the door only to realize something,

Jed. The dude is still staring at Kay. Why do I have to be jealous and overprotective?

"Jed let's go!" I shout at him, he's jumps slightly before turning and leaving my dorm.

'Kay will be fine, not like he's gonna wake up the moment I leave,' I think to myself

Kaeden's POV

"Why the hell does my head hurt?" I whisper softly as I slowly open my eyes,

I groaned and stayed still. I let the calmness of the room settle around me, it was nic-

"Wait!" I shouted jolting up, "where the hell am I?"

I scrambled out of the bed and almost fell onto the floor. But I caught myself before I hit the ground, I looked around and walked over to the mirror. I checked myself and saw that my body was healed.

My wounds were healed and closed, I mean yes I had a few small scars, but nothing major. I lifted my shirt to see my chest was still slight blue but it wasn't to bad. I touched my chest and my skin felt tender but it didn't feel to bad.

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