S3) Stallions V Necro-monsters

978 33 63

Hey guys, girls and gays, I have a YouTube channel "Jonnn" that's the name, and I made some Legacies videos, this is one of my recent ones, just wanted to share it here with you all 😌

3 x 04 ~ Hold on Tight

Kaeden's PoV

I could tell which was worse, the magical meltdown I was trying to contain or watching a group of high school foot players being fascinated by a leather ball.

"Kaeden?" Ethan called out and I glanced over at him, "you okay?"

"Depends on what your referring too?" I asked him, I crossed my arms then shrugged, he gave me worried expression before stepping closer to me,

"I mean with the whole crying stuff, that happened last night," he said softly, I looked down and nodded slowly, I could feel another surge of magic rushing to the surface and I tried to keep it contained, "you looked like you needed someone to talk too,"

"I'm fine," I gritted out as I looked up and gave him a tight lipped smile, then it happened,


The sudden noise made all eyes turn to the foot players, only to see that their football had exploded.

"Wow," Ethan exclaimed, and soo Josie appeared by my side with her note book in hand, I swallowed loudly as I watched the looks of fear and confusion on the boy's' faces,

"Maybe we should continue the tour," Josie urges and Ethan nodded, he turned and we followed him down the hall, I kept my eyes on the ground, but I saw Josie giving me side glances every now and then,

"I think that about covers it," Ethan said leading  us down the main hallway, he turned to look back at us, "anything else you want to know?"

"Um, one more question. Would you title this "A Day in the Life of a Timberwolf"? " Josie asked taking her pencil and putting it to her note pad,

"It's pretty generic, even for a jock like me," Ethan answered with a nod, I glanced down the hall as a strange scent drifted into my nose, "but if I was behind on my journalism assignment, sure,"

"The Salvatore Scroll thanks you," Josie said to him with a cheery tone, I wiped my nose to shake the scent but I could still smell it,

"Fun fact, I've been trying to pitch "A Day in the Life of a Stallion" to the school paper all year, but your dad never calls me back," Ethan said to her,

"We've had a few interesting days at the Salvatore School," I muttered in a bitter tone, Ethan gave a confused look but Josie chirped up before I could say anything more,

"If this assignment goes well, uh, maybe it'll open some doors," Josie said to him with a smile,

"I hope so. Um, I need all the good PR I can get. Turns out all those fancy colleges stop calling when you bust your throwing arm," Ethan said to us, waving his throwing arm in the air,

"I'm really sorry about that," Josie apologized, and I heard the honesty in her voice,

"It wasn't your fault," Ethan answered with a smile, but little did he know that it was her fault, "oh, also, tell your dad he sucks for ghosting us, too. Our new principal is a total hard-ass,"

"You'll probably see him first. He and your mom have gotten pretty close," Josie said in a grim tone, the scent got a little stronger and I glanced around Ethan,

Legacies - The Hybrid Dilemma Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant