An Old Flame meets a New Spark

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Look at them , I'm ready for season two ❤️😫

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Look at them , I'm ready for season two ❤️😫

Kaeden's POV

It was day before remembrance day , the day when the students and staff took time off the remember their loved ones. The school had an eerie calmness to it. The twins were in Europe with their mother, Landon was still gone, Mg was off doing Vampire stuff with Kaleb, Jed pulled a disappearing act, so Hope, Raf and I were stuck together.

Today I wore my dark blue Salvatore hoodie, slightly skinny jeans and a pair of sneakers, I couldn't bother to dress, so I grab the closet at hand.

Many of the students were in the library, writing letters to their dead loved ones, friends, family, anyone who they cared about but wasn't here to be with them.

Rafael was writing a letter to his girlfriend Cassie, it was sad how she died, with Rafael behind the wheel, and the bad weather, he alway blamed the weather front that night, it hurt to do this but it was good for him.

I knew that Hope had relatives who were no longer here but she wasn't writing any letters, and I didn't have any immediate family gone so I was like a ship lost at sea.

Hope was drawing something in her sketch book, I sat humming to myself as I watched Rafael write his letter, he stood, kissed it and placed it with the others. My heart cracked slightly at this small act.

He walked over to us signaling he was done, so we left the library,

We walked down the hall until we came across someone standing in the hallway, she looked dirty and lost. She was my height, maybe a little taller, had short curly black hair, and an sweater pulled over her,

Rafael put up his hands instinctively trying to protect, the two most power kids in the school, but I thought the gesture was cute,

"Umm..." I said softly



"Cassie, isn't that your..." Hope started,

"Wait?" I added as the lightbulb turned on,

"My girlfriend," Raf said as he walked over and hug the girl,

I saw how tightly he hugged her, I felt the sadness and pain flow off him and I flinched, Hope gave me a look and I nodded,

"We need to get Doctor Saltzman," Hope said walking to wherever he was,

I stood staring at the two as I tried to comprehend this, I turned and follow Hope, leaving the couple to hold each other,

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