Chapter 76 - Coma

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Sara's POV

I panted and cried and whaled as Noah repeatedly stabbed my legs. In and out, always in a new spot. The wet sound echoed in my ear.

My body had grown numb and cold to the pain once he stopped stabbing me.

My vision only got worse.

The corners turned black.

I had trouble staying conscious.

I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep.

"Why would you call him!?", Noah yelled. He grabbed my head. Everything was spinning. "Why why why? Why do keep on clinging onto him!? Is it because he has more money? Is it because he is a shameless flirt!? Is it because both of you are divorced!?"

Noah grabbed a good chunk of my hair and with a swift swipe, cut off half my hair.

He let my own hair fall onto me.

"I'll derange so much he won't love you anymore!", Noah yelled, his voice breaking. "And then I'll kill you - because you know what? A whore like you isn't worth this pain! If I can't have you, nobody can have you!"

Noah cut off the other half of my hair.

"The more I look at you, the more I despise you. You disgust me, Sara."

The knife was touching my nose. The blade felt cold.

"Look at you - you turned into this silent victim. You are no fun, you never were. Always the same with you, giving me the silent treatment when I did you wrong. Was it really that bad that I hid my identity from you? Was it really that bad I couldn't just love one woman?"

I only heard half his words, slipping in and out of unconsciousness.

"I brought you to America! I was the one who proposed! I was the one who married you! You should be grateful, you should be kissing my shoes! I brought you here to be me housewife and the mother of my children, yet you wanted to work, didn't want to stay at home, didn't want babies immediately - but you want all of that with Michael!?"

I only heard my love's name.


I closed my eyes, half-smiling.

My Michael.

His tussled home hair. The always warm blue eyes. The cocky grin when he did something that annoyed me. The loving expression he gave me whenever I gave him attention.

His warmth. His deep voice. His smart mouth. My golden boy. You knew how to talk to anybody, you knew anything when I asked, you could do everything.

I'm so glad ... you are my fiancé.

I'm sorry Michael, I really am. I'm so tired. I just want this to end.

I'm so sorry I won't be there to make you happy.

"No use in playing with a corpse huh?", Noah distanced himself.

I heard him load the gun.

I smiled, fresh tears streaming down my face.

Thank you for everything, Michael!

I love you.

Something crashed in the distance.

I wasn't dead yet?

I opened my eyes to see Noah turned towards the door.

Falling for my boss ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora