Chapter 12 - The morning after

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Jess looked so tired as I arrived at the office, that I just couldn't help myself.

"Philipp sure tired you out", I drew out with a big grin. She looked like death herself as her eyes pierced me, but her cheeks were red. "You are in a good mood."

Well, how couldn't I be?

I had eaten breakfast with Michael, he had told me about his past, he had driven me to work and went home to get changed for today. He had warned me about today's feedback and I had reassured him I wouldn't get angry. Well, I would try, but now I knew he didn't mean it personally.

"Well, I had a great night myself", I giggled.

She rolled over with her chair, our legs touching.

"Did you sleep with him?"
"N-No! We cuddled", I giggled. "He was only in his boxers. Jess, he's such a sight! His muscles, his beard, his hairy chest~"
Jess laughed. "Doesn't it feel great to snuggle with somebody you love?"

Somebody you love.


I looked at my hands. I missed him. I missed his warmth. I missed the safe and secure feeling of his arms.

I loved him?

He listened to me and calmed me down. He told me about his past, something he had avoided in the beginning. He had come to me to make sure I still liked him, he had apologized. He would have camped outside my door the whole night long.

I love him.

I do.

And I was missing him.

"Yes", a smile creeped onto my face and I wiped the tears away. "Yes, it does!"

Jess pressed me into a long, tight hug.

Clarissa and Nina joined us, saw us and hugged me too, even though they didn't know what was going on. The girls giggled fondly as Jess told them what had happened.

I smiled to the ground with red cheeks, feeling happy even after she had said it out loud.

"Sara loves Michael."

Strong steps echoed down the hallway and Jess straightened, then let out a relieved sigh. "It's not Janet, thank god."
"She's here though", Nina warned and lifted up the slip of paper. Red and bold letters. Dress code violation.

We all scanned her.

"Why?", we asked in unison.

Nina's cute face darkened. "The skirt cups my butt."

A giggle turned into loud laughter, until the door opened, and our boss stood there.

"Good morning, Mr Beaumont", we greeted, while I bit back a smile. Michael spotted the slip between Nina's finger and groaned.
"Already? I don't have time for this", he massaged the bridge of his nose. "Ladies, we have no accounting files to take care of today. Melinda is in the hospital for a post operation check-up, which means you all will jump in."

"Ms Hathaway and Ms Smith, you will plan the schedule for the week and arrange the meetings. Mrs Brown, I leave you with the interviews and Mrs White's finds. You need to call these people here", he handed her a tightly written list. "For example, this customer hasn't paid our service for the third time. Send him the last dunning letter. If he doesn't pay, he's going to court."
"These side notes are what needs to be taken care of, right?", Jessica asked. She was the most experienced one of us.
"Yes. Melinda left back her login code, so you can look up her notes."

Falling for my boss ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz