Chapter 6 - I'm attracted to you

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Sara's POV

I fastened my running shoes, took one last glance in the mirror and zipped my jacket. 

I was bare faced and I prayed Michael wouldn't run away screaming at the sight. Applying makeup now was a stupid idea since it would a, clog my pores (work was so busy I didn't have time for skincare, so that would be chaotic) and b, my mascara wasn't waterproof. And I didn't want to look like a raccoon.

My feet carried me automatically towards Central Park, all while I dodged the workers, the uneven spots on the streets and ignored the catcalling. New York could be so pretty when the sun started rising and when the tourists weren't out yet. There were always cars though, it seemed.

Beaumont ... I had to think of his words again. Becoming his P.A. ... Beaumont was definitely out of his mind. What would I do? Plan his meetings and trips? Accept phone calls? I partly do that already!

My boss had simply ignored every complaint of mine as he dragged me into any meeting of his, forcing me to open it and wrap it up. When we were alone, he often critiqued me and gave me plenty tips how to better my performance. Michael always wrapped it up with a soft smile so I wouldn't feel that bad about myself, often telling me when the next meeting would take place again.

Yesterday, at 6 p.m., only 1 hour after my usual working time, the shortest time I had worked overtime, his parting words had been: "Starting Monday, you'll be part of the presentation sector and will train with the others how to present our company. I will judge your daily presentations."

I couldn't believe my ears – daily presentations. Daily. I hated presentations. I had loathed them in school and in my University of Applied Sciences. I hated talking in front of groups. I hated presenting in several languages, because I had to learn that in school.

Languages were my strength, but talking about commerce, turnover, history, subsidiaries, franchising companies? Give me a break!

My steps grew slower as I looked out for that handsome bastard.

After the little incident after lunch, Beaumont hadn't tried to do the same thing again. It seemed as if he waited for me to do the first step. But I couldn't.

He was my boss – I needed this job. If I were to lose it, I wouldn't be able to pay my lawyer, the divorce costs, my flat or for any food. I had been living on cornflakes for the last two months, and my skirts were now starting to be too big on me.

The worst part was – I couldn't even afford proper clothes anymore. I would have to go thrifting, something that wasn't available in my hometown back in Austria, so that would be a completely new experience.

I swore silently.

Damned you be, Noah. He was dragging this out so much, claiming several false things, wanting everything from me, even things I couldn't give him. He either wanted me to lose this fight or for us to work this marriage out. He had called me over to the side after our fight and told me he would drop the allegations if I decided to drop this case.

But I didn't want to be with him anymore.

I had friends whose husbands or wives had cheated on them, and I saw what the aftermath was after they had given them another chance. Only rarely it had worked out.

My lawyer had warned me this conflict would last at least 9 months because there were so many conflicts. When he had told me the costs, I had nearly fainted. At least 16.7 k $ ... Just because he was dragging this out!

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