Chapter 1 - Meeting the boss

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The first three weeks of my new job had been quite blissful - almost everybody was nice to me, I quickly made friends with my accounting team and my money worries were growing less prominent as the date of the pay check approached.

It was Monday the 23rd when I for the millionth time checked my phone to see if Noah had written me, but to no avail. He was active on his social media accounts, constantly online on Facebook too. I huffed loudly. So he could talk to others but with me only through his lawyer? That prick!

I angrily dug into my muesli and forced the hot coffee down my throat. I didn't want him back, not after how he had changed and how he had treated me. Noah had changed so suddenly once we had gotten married ... was I the reason? Did I do something wrong? Was it because I hadn't slept with him?

I played with my cup of coffee. It hadn't felt right. All those years we had been together it had never felt right, nor had a moment presented itself. Noah hadn't also taken the lead, as he never did. And I was too shy to ask him to have sex with me.

No, I wasn't to blame. Both of us were. If he had needed physical pleasure, he could have told me. He was my husband for fuck's sake, technically he still was; I would have had sex with him! I really would have! We had kissed, hugged, touched each other, so I wouldn't have minded to sleep with him! I was a grown woman and I had my needs too, dammit!

But he had grown distant for some reason. The day we had gotten married he had gradually changed from this quirky man to a serious, always tired guy and I couldn't do anything against it. Noah was no longer the man I had fallen in love with. No silly jokes, no kissing, no dancing, no harmony between us when we relaxed together, nothing.

I checked my watch and jolted up from my kitchen stool. I would be late! I threw the bowl into the sink, grabbed everything I needed blindly and ran to the tube as fast as I could.

Out of breath, I arrived at the door of the Beaumont. The security guard nodded at me and opened the door for me. "Mrs Atkins, you ain't red because of the cold, I take it?", Mr Morison asked with a deep laugh.

"No, but at least I'm warm", I joked back with a smile. He had quickly grown dear to me. Every day he asked me how I was and every day he insisted on opening the door to me. The other girls in my office always spoke fondly of him too.

"I have to hurry Ben, or else I'll be late."

"We wouldn't want that!", he shushed me inside and waved after me.

I greeted the receptionists, Anne, Raleigh and Dean, then hurried to the golden elevator. It took forever to reach me, and even longer to reach the twentieth floor.

To reach my office, I had to walk down a long glass corridor to our joined space, where I worked with three other women. Four tables had enough space in the broad room, and we worked together because we constantly needed something from each other. It wasn't only work related though and working with them was way more pleasant than I ever thought it would be.

I pressed my card against the scanner and the glass door was unlocked by the security system.

Jessica immediately lifted her head with a beaming smile. "Sara - come inside, quickly!"

I hurried to her desk, which was opposite of mine. She pointed at her screen. "I was checking the bills you had finished yesterday and found no mistake - you are improving already!"

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