Chapter 19 - I miss you

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Sara's POV

Friday finally approached - I was so bored. I was so beyond bored with this always repeating work and those simple tasks. Print the papers. Design the layout of the papers. Reread the papers. Correct the papers. Spend lunch with my old boss. Go back to reading the papers. Answer a few emails. Send out a few emails. Go fetch the latest issue of any newspaper. Most of these tasks were just a copy and paste type of task and just took mere minutes. I always went home two hours earlier.

And that was another problem; the fact I got home so early. I had nobody to hang out with, so what did I do? Clean the flat until my hands burned. Go jogging for hours and hours. Read all the books I had.

Not only was I bored, I felt as if everything around me was just so ... bothersome. Why bother dressing nicely? Why bother going out? Why do anything at all? Nobody saw me, nor did anybody judge me.

What sense did it make? I had lost it all, what more could I lose?

I fastened my jogging shoes with a deep sigh. As I jogged to central park, tears burned in my eyes, but I pressed them away. Why did I always have to cry when I approached the park?

A part of me couldn't and didn't believe that Michael had cheated on me, but the other half of me, the more logical part, told me I was just a fool in love to think that. He was human too, a man like any other, he was capable of cheating on you too, Sara. I mean, looking at his ex, I somewhat understood why he would. She was undeniably a beauty, as much as I hated admitting it, she was stunning.

Giving him a second chance would lead nowhere, nowhere at all. Noah had proved that, and most people didn't succeed in making things right the second time.

Or the third.

Or the fourth.

I held my breath and half-expected him at the gate, waiting for me. But he wasn't there. Why would he be? I had been adamant for him to keep away. Why should he chase after me? If he had said the things I had yelled at him, I would have given him up in a heartbeat. I had been harsh to him.

Why did I feel disappointment build up in my body because he wasn't there? Why did I feel sadness due to his absence in my stomach?

Was Michael still in the company? What was he up to? Did he get back together with Eleanor?

I looked at my legs. Eleanor had been skinny and tall, bore model measurements and was a stunning woman. Her legs were muscular and slim, bore a healthy colour and were endlessly long. Her blonde hair was kept well groomed and had looked freshly cut and coloured. Her eyes were striking and big. Those two would make a great pair and I understood why he had married her.

A model next to a god. What a nice sight they must be.

Why did I run now? I was literally stomping the ground.

I'm not angry. I'm not jealous. I'm not thinking 'he is mine - hands off'. I'm not thinking 'stop being with my man'. I'm not thinking 'why would he love you again? He loves me.'

My pace got slower and slower until I collapsed by a bench and started sobbing deeply.

She was so much prettier it was unfair. He was better off with her, a woman who had money, a better lifestyle and wasn't as careful around him. Somebody who wasn't hurt and careful. I couldn't offer him anything but my heart, that was it. I was still married and wouldn't be his until I divorced. I was too thick. I was a foreigner who was only here because of a work permit. It wouldn't have lasted.

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