Chapter 57 - Big events

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Sara's POV

"Under no circumstance-"

"Will you call your father, I get it, I get it", I completed his sentence, eating more of mum's soup. "It was just a suggestion."

"He'll just confirm that mother's a lunatic and then he'll try to stir the conversation to something that shouldn't concern him", Michael angrily dug into his soup. "He doesn't need to know more."

"I got it, loud and clear", I patted his hand. That was still his most firm 'no'. "Do you think they'll be back soon?"

As if on cue, we heard a car roll up the hill. Marthe ran inside the kitchen, excitingly slapping Michael's arm. "It's our car! Ours! It must be Leon and Rebecca and the little babe!"

"Rebecca won't be released immediately Marthe", Michael said between gulps, but got up, putting the napkin on the table. "And no Sara, we won't stay longer because of the baby, we have work waiting for us."

"But it's a cute little baaaaby", I whined. "It's my little Sara!"

"My little Sara has work too", Michael pinched my nose. "We'll ask them to send us many, many pictures alright?"

Second firm no - avoiding work.

"Only if I can hold the baby first!", I demanded, rushing to the door.

I opened it to a tired Leon, who beamed at us. "She's beautiful you guys. A perfect little baby, ten fingers, ten toes, and long, long lashes. She's a redhead like Rebecca and has a full head of hair already. She's literally the cutest baby, but all my baby's are cute."

We laughed. "Congratulation Leon!", I cheered, as did Michael.

"Thanks - I came to get you four." He explained with a proud grin.

Estelle was by my legs already and stormed into her papa's arm, who kissed her full cheek. "Your little sister is as cute as you are Esi."

Adrien took his father's hand. "Come on you two, let's go to the hospital."

"They were in the middle of supper!", Marthe yelled out the house.

"There's food at the hospital", Leon assured, hip-hopping excitedly to the car.

Michael sat by Leon and I sat next to the kids. Leon showed me prior how to put them into their seats and how their seat belts had to be fastened.

"What did I miss today?", Leon sing-sang, tapping the wheel happily.

Michael and I exchanged a look.


"We played!", Estelle announced.

"That's great!", Leon chimed back. Now he whispered. "Michael?"

"Mother gave us a surprise visit", Michael whispered back.

Leon froze slightly, then shook his head. "Not here. Not now. We have a baby and a mother waiting for us. Veronique can wait until tomorrow." Leon took a deep breath and turned cheerier again. "Were oncle and tatie good to you?"

"Oncle gave us chocolate for lunch!", Adrien shouted.

Leon shot Michael a look.

Michael pinched his fingers together. "Just this much. They were begging for it before lunchtime."

"Sara he's going to be a terrible father, I take it all back", Leon said over his shoulder, making me laugh.

"Just a little bit, who are you lying to? I know how weak you get at their big eyes!"

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