Chapter 2 - Advances

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Today was the fifth day with Mr. Beaumont and it was quite eventful, to say the least.

The other days he had kept himself in the background, mostly because he had one meeting after the other he had to attend. Today was the day he fully stayed at the company, a first in this week.

I arrived at work at about half past 7, joining Jessica with a cup of coffee while we waited for the other departments to deliver their files. I tried not to be bumped as Noah still hadn't called nor texted me.

"It completely passed my mind and I never got to ask you: How was it?" 

"What do you mean?", I asked her, passing her the sugar. 

"You know, the talk you had with Mr. Beaumont", she nudged me, then put two spoons of sugar into her pink mug with the elephants on it. Elephants were her favourite animal. 

"Oh, that", I laughed nervously. "It was quite alright, I imagined it to be much worse." 

"See, told you", she patted the spot next to her.

We sat down on her desk.

"We talked about the dress code first", I informed her, browsing through my mind. Since that day, I decided to keep spare stockings in my working drawer, just in case. "And a bit about Janet. He doesn't seem to be that fond of her." 

"He isn't. He hates her as much as we do, but he keeps on insisting she does a good job", Jessica shrugged. "Sometimes I don't understand Michael."

"Who's Michael?", I asked her with a raised brow. 

"Mr. Beaumont silly! Didn't he tell you his full name?" 

Michael Beaumont? It had a nice ring to it. "No." 

"You didn't ask him?" 

"No, it seemed wrong to ask him about his personal life ..." 

"After he asked about yours you felt it would be wrong to ask back?", Jessica couldn't believe her ears. She started laughing. "Now that's typically you. Always professional."

Jessica patted my head. "Sorry, I don't mean it in a bad way sweetie." 

"I know Jess", I smiled at her.

Clarissa joined us at 7:40, followed by Nina. "We might be late", Nina joked as she clocked in. "Twenty minutes before the start is a bit too extreme, don't you think? We should have arrived at 6 the latest." 

"Janet will kill us", Clarissa agreed. 

"You are drinking coffee without us?", Nina pointed at our mugs with a frown. 

"We've just started. There's more coffee in the kettle", I told them. Clarissa hurried to the little kitchen and fetched them a mug.

Nina looked at me. "Call me crazy, but why aren't you wearing a white shirt like usually?" 

"Mr. Beaumont said I shouldn't wear anything with buttons anymore." 

Clarissa dropped something in the kitchen. She stormed out with wide eyes. "He what!?"

I was taken aback by her shocked expression. "Mr. Beaumont told you not to wear a white shirt?", Nina's tone held disbelieve. "Jess, have you ever heard something like that before?" 

"No, not in good fifteen years!", Jessica looked at me in wonder. 

"What's the big deal?", I asked them a bit unsurely. 

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