Chapter 25 - I'm crazy for doing this

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Sara's POV 

"You went ice skating at the ice skating center? How romantic!", Nina swooned.

As always, the girls circled me after I told them I had a date with Michael.

"Yes, but the most important thing is – I'm divorced! I'm not Sara Atkins anymore!"

The girls cheered loudly, and Janet immediately shushed us. "I'm going out to buy us prosecco!", Jess beamed. "Girls cover me! This needs to be celebrated!" 

"Roger!", we said in unison and I had to laugh.

Jess returned five minutes later, and as lunch came, we popped the bottle open. "Ok, tell us eeeevery little detail", Nina wriggled her brows and crossed her legs. 

"I will but we need to be careful. He usually picks me up for lunch." 

"I've got him covered", Jess grinned. "I sent Philipp to him. He'll distract him for a while." 

"Great!", I beamed. "Ok, listen. He sent his lawyer and we solved the whole ordeal after many hours. I signed the paper and now I'm finally free!" We clinked our glasses at that. "Then I called Michael and thanked him for helping me out. In my happiness, I had told him 'I love you'."

The girls let out a collective "Ooooh!" 

"I know!", I sighed. "But he assured me loved me too and picked me up and he gifted me a big bouquet of roses! Red, orange, yellow, pink, white; in any colour there was! Then he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend – don't cheer yet!" They lowered their glasses. "I told him I don't want to rush into a relationship. I want to date him first. He agreed and instantly told me we are going ice skating together as a first date."

"I thought you can't do anything besides jogging and swimming", Clarissa pointed out. "Well, I can't. He had to hold me the whole time." 

"What a lame excuse!", Jess giggled. She laid her hand on her forehead. "Honey, I can't skate! Don't mind me holding onto your strong arms to steady myself!"

Nina and Clarissa broke out in a giggle and I lowered my head with red cheeks. "I really can't skate! But he was patient with me and helped me. We skated for hours until the place announced they would close soon, so he drove me home. He waited until I was in my flat and then drove home himself. Michael picked me up this morning too and tonight we are having another date!", I swooned.

"I'm so glad this is going so well between you guys", Jess smiled broadly. "But we have to be careful. I love it when you tell us everything, but I'm not sure everybody would agree to this." 

"You are right", I nodded. When I thought of the employees who were jealous of Michael or hated him, then it might be a problem if they found out. 

"Should we give him a code name?", Nina asked. 

"That's a great idea!", Clarissa chimed in. 

"What other name would suit him?" 

"Nothing with M", I whispered. "That's too close."

"What are you whispering about?"

We all jumped up at the deep voice.

Michael stood there with his parka in his arm, a raised brow and scanned our glasses. When had he entered the office? "What's the occasion? And where's my glass?" 

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