Chapter 51 - I desire you

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Quick update!

Looky looky who's back for two surprise chapters! But only for today as I have two more exams to go - therefore I can't devote my full time to my stories yet.

Now - I had a lot of time to think during my studies etc, and in my breaks I jotted down ideas for the plot, the sequel etc, and I think (fingers crossed everything goes well!) I might actually write a lot of books for this series! I'm thinking like Michael's past, Leon's story, about Sara's and Michael's future (three books on those if everything goes smoothly?) so yeah :D! Onto the chapter now!

Mature content ahead

Sara's POV

Graciously I was awoken by soft, long kisses.

Hands danced softly over my skin, caressing me with a feather light touch.

Lips nibbled on mine, laughed a breathy laugh as I smiled, kissed the side of my nose, rubbed my back.

Michael's lips slowly approached my face, lingered there, kissed my skin sweetly before he retreated. His lips were so warm. I swooned with a smile.

"Allô mon amour", Michael greeted me. It took me all of my strength not to swoon out loud. French just suited him so much~ I could imagine the cheeky grin on his lips, that little flirt!

I felt his hand brush my hair back, felt his lips softly on mine, before he retreated them yet again.

I stretched; stretched my legs, my arms, until I was shaking, feeling as if my soul left my body. The stretch was followed by a squealing sound escaping my lips, which made Michael laugh lowly.

My eyes slowly darted open, slightly so I could see him. Michael smiled a tooth-bearing smile at me, brushing my cheek with his rough palm.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Morning handsome", I yawned. I nuzzled into his leg.

"Up for a jog with me?", Michael sat down and drew my head on his lap. He scratched my hair, making wave motions as he traced it down my back. My boyfriend then patted my back, rubbing his hand up and down, and with each movement I got more awake.

I thought about it, then nodded. It had been quite a long time since we had last gone jogging together and it was the only moment we were completely on our own. The kids loved to barge in on us, Victor loved to keep an eye on us, Marthe eavesdropped. Even Gerald and Marie loved to be close to us. Rebecca and Leon were the only ones that held themselves back.

Michael extended his hands to me and helped me up with a strong push. Wobbly on my feet, I immediately wrapped my arms around his broad chest and hummed happily.

His hard muscles met my body, prominent, just like his strong mind and speech. It shaped Michael into who he was. A dominant boss, one who knew when and where to look in the long list of numbers that called itself accounting, knew where to put a hold, where to improve, when to act - a workaholic who loved his numbers and the power it gave him.

Michael laughed, kissed my hair and shook my shoulders. "Wake up already, I wanna go on a run."

"I wanna cuddle", I mumbled, whining.

"Later", Michael stressed, kissed my forehead and shoved me to the bathroom. He laughed as I didn't move and pushed me some more until I was brushing my teeth.

I just washed my face with water, my skincare could wait until I got back from the run. I pondered when he could have awoken today. Maybe 5ish? He probably checked his mails already and talked to the others back in New York.

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