Chapter 1

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"Mr. Mohammad will see you now” the secretary announced before walking back to her station. I stood up and approached the familiar large brown door.

Without knocking I opened it and walked towards the man that stood between my company and I.

“Ah, Abubukar. Welcome. How are you?” he asked, I ignored his question.

“Would you mind explaining why I got a call from my bank today notifying me that my account has been frozen?” I grated glaring at him. He chuckled; he had the nerve to chuckle.

“Well, seeing as you do not work in this company I don’t see why you should enjoy the benefits.”

“This is my Company; you have no right to do this.” I shouted slaming my palms on the table. His expression darkened and his lips set into a thin line.

“And you think you have the right to spend close to a million naira on a party? Your parents entrusted me with their estates and that includes this company until I certify that you are worthy of it and last night's actions confirms my thoughts. You are reckless and incapable of ever running this company. You are nothing but a disgrace to your parents’ good name and as long as I live you will never get control of this organization until you get yourself together. Now get out of my office before I call security.”

If looks could kill, I was sure he would have been 6 feet under.

“This is my company, I will sue you for it” I threatened.

He laughed “Go ahead, let’s see who will be on the losing side” he sneered.

I hissed and walked out slamming the door earning a look from the secretary. I shot her a glare and she flushed turning her attention back to her laptop.

The elevator dinged and I got in leaning against the steel wall. I curled my hands into fists, tempted to go back to the office and beating him up.

I exhaled trying to control the anger in me. The elevator stopped at the ground floor and I made my way out of the building. The hot Abuja sun making me wince. I pulled out my sunglasses and slid them on before making my way to my car.

I got in, staring at the wheel. I could feel the anger bubbling over; I growled hitting the leather covered steering wheel.

I started the car and peeled out of the parking lot. I could hear the shouts of people but I couldn’t be bothered to give a shit. I weaved in and out of traffic; I didn’t even know my destination. Home was the last thing on my mind.

I could care less about work, the least they could do was give me a query. I decided to head to Apple Boulevard; I needed some shisha to clear my head.

I arrived there in record time and parked before making my way into the building. I could see people admiring my car, I smirked. It was the latest Mercedes Benz S class. I was pretty sure there are only 5 of it in Abuja.

I sat down and immediately a waiter approached me.

“Welcome back sir. Would you like your usual mix?” he asked.

I nodded bringing out my phone as he left. I had several missed calls from several girls. I swiped most of them away and noticed one from Najma. I immediately called her back.

“Hello Najmee” I greeted smiling.

“Abba, how are you? I thought I would have to fill out a special form just to see you” she teased.

“Sorry, I’ve just been busy.” I explained.

“Busy throwing parties?” she replied flatly. I groaned resting my head tilting my head to the ceiling.

Can’t I get a break?

“Najma please…”

“I didn’t call to berate you, I just wanted to check up and see whether you were alive since you’ve forgotten about us.”


“Good bye Abba” with that she hung up. I groaned and tossed the phone on the table.

The waiter came back with the shisha pot and pipe. I watched him mix it to my specifications before leaving. I inhaled deeply before breathing it out; I watched the smoke evaporate into the air wishing my problems would disappear like that. I sighed and took another lungful closing my eyes.

“Hello” a voice said breaking the slight buzz I had going on. I opened an eye to glare at the person. She smiled coyly at me sitting closer.

“I noticed you were sitting here all alone…” she trailed off flashing me a grin.

Saving Abba Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora