Heat [Smut]

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So lemme just say that there is omegaverse in here

If you don't know what omegaverse is, for one, what rock have you been living under?

And two, all I can say is google it. I learned most of my information off the internet and you can too!

So like I had this omegaverse smutshot idea hanging in my head but forgot about it like the dumbass I am :')

But last night while re-reading a comment thread with a user about how reading smut helps them relax I suddenly remembered I had this laying around so

Let's get it with it, shall we?

Jeremy Heere was an omega who suffered the absolute most when it came to heats.

Even his omega friend Jake Dillinger agreed with that.

No, we aren't talking about Jeremy literally suffering during heats. He suffers just as much as any other omega in heat without a mate to help, it was just that the timing...

The timing is terrible.

The time Jeremy got his first heat was when he was hanging out at seven eleven with his best friend Michael Mell.

Which was bad because wahey his best friend is an alpha and was his only way home at the time. Luckily an employee—who thank the heavens wasn't an alpha, instead being an omega herself—took Jeremy away into a staff only area so Jeremy didn't have to be around so many alphas or worse, have something un-consensual happen to him.

And thank the heavens that lovely lady with the long white hair helped his ass get home, which could've been a scary scene if the lady had other plans, but not. She just looked out for her fellow omega, and ever since Jeremy's been grateful to the lady. Even becoming a great friend to the lady who he later found out was named Allura.

But going back to Jeremy's heates, boy did time bite him in the ass. It was horrible.

His second heat turned out to be while Michael was hanging over at Jeremy's house, Michael had to leave immediately because he went on and on about Jeremy's safety and Jeremy had to suffer alone. He yarned for Michael but maybe that was just his heat messing with him.

The third and forth time both happened in the same location at different times, while at a party at Jake Dillingers house. Thank the heavens that Jeremy's ex girlfriend, Christine Canigula, took him home.

So now Jeremy's sixth heat was gonna happen any day now, but no. Scratch that, his heat just had to come in while he was changing in the boys locker room for pe. That was a scary story.


Jeremy and Jake were talking to themselves while changing, comfortable with eachother whitest Jake went on about Rich being sick and how he missed him a lot. Jeremy listened as Jake went on and on about his mate, and how they cuddled in jakes nest at times. Jeremy wish's he and Michael could cuddle in his nest.

Speaking of Michael, while he was changing his pants, he was glaring at Jeremy and Jake whitest they talked. Jealously ached him and wanted Jeremy all to himself, because before it was just him and Jeremy taking while changing. Alone. Together.

Michael inhaled sharply and then took a heavy breath, he rolled his eyes and went back to glaring at the pair before he noticed eyes were on him. Jeremy's eyes. He looked away and gulped. Fuck he was caught.

'Why does Michael keep staring at us?' Jeremy murmured to Jake, as he put on his pants. Raising a brow at Michael. Jake shrugged, 'Dunno dude, why don't you go find out?' Jeremy looked to Jake after he was done putting on his pants and looked to Michael again, who store at him for a heartbreak and then looked away again.

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