Cures [Short Fluff]

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Just two bros getting stoned in Michaels basement

No feet apart cause they're really gay

I hate my old art ew

~Michaels pov~

I'm counting sheep. So far, there's like.,. Fifty of them or something.

Oh y'know, counting sheep like what you're told to do when you can't sleep, trust me I've tried it? Huge scam, doesn't work. It's just something I do when I get high, oh yeah I'm high.

I inhale the weed from the joint and blow it out of my mouth, I'm hanging with Jere-bear. He isn't high, he's adjusting his glasses as he watches some movie... erm, what movie were we watching again?

I focus and see that Jeremy's watching Hercules, oh cool.

'No chance! No way! I won't say it, no, no!'  Meg protests as she dances around, telling lies to everyone to hide her real feelings for the main character. 'You swoon; you sigh. Why deny it? Oh, oh.'  Characters who portray the background vocals sing to Meg, poking it in her face that she is lying to herself.

'It's too cliche!' Meg protests back, continuing to lie so she can protect herself, 'I won't say I'm in... love...'

'Yo, I love Meg and all, and I get it that she's trying to not have another heartbreak and stuff... but like? Would this make her have PTSD? Depression?' I slur, sitting up instead of slumping into my beanbag. Jeremy looks to me, 'Does that have to matter? This is Disney, we don't need to worry about this sort of stuff, besides, the song freakin' slaps.' Jeremy replies, looking at me and then back to the movie.

I sigh, 'Good thing at the end of the movie her and Hercules get together, so she can finally let go of the past and get her depression off her shoulders.' Jeremy smiles a little, 'Depression cured. God, that would be really handy for me.'

I slump back into the couch and take another hit of the joint, I think to myself and say. 'Jere-bear, cure my depression.'

Jeremy looks at me, processing my request. He thinks afterword.

He then tilts his head and a beautiful smile beams on his pink lips, he then does the cutest thing and bleps his tongue out at me.

Excuse me I didn't give you permission to steal my heart

I sit up and intensely stare at him, 'Jeremy Jesus Christ please marry me.


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