Bus rides and trees [Fluff]

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Okay sorry if the title is stupid but I was running out of ideas, and I wanted to get this fluff out so you guys could feel better about the angst from the chapter prior.

By the way, sorry about that chapter guys. Have some tissues and ores, and grapes if you're brave enough


~Michael pov~

Ina and I wait for the school bus. I'm nothing but a small boy in a big red hoodie, waiting with one of my mothers with a red apple in one hand and a yellow book in the other. My mother adjusted my big black glasses, since I couldn't do so.

We watch as the yellow school bus pulls up, and my Ina prepares me for my first day of school.

"You do your very best now, Michael." My Ina informs, holding onto my shoulders to reassure me.

"I sure will, Ina." I reply blankly.

I remember the bus ride for the first day of school very well.

The bus driver opens the door, and looks down to me. I walk to the gray or black steps of the bus and look at the women whose taking me to my first ever school. She's smoking a cigarette.

The blonde haired mess of a lady in front of me speaks up, "Are you coming along?" I respond, speaking out my mind.

"My Ina said not to be taking rides from strangers." I grip onto my book, almost dropping my apple.

The women blinked, and raised a brow. "This is the bus to school."

I stay silent, a little Filipino boy tugging at my yellow shorts. Gulping to myself, in a train of thought.

I look to to the lady, with an unsure smile. "I'm Michael, Michael Mell."

I repeated, just to be sure. Just in case if she doesn't hear my small voice.

The lady didn't speak for moment, too in a train of thought. She eventually gave a soft smile, as lines painted under her eyes. "I'm Heather, Heather McNamara."

I catch my breath, and quickly respond. "Well, now we aren't strangers anymore."

I step into the bus, catching a wide smile from Heather. I think she feels glad, relieved. I'm not sure.

I watch the doors close behind me, seeing my Ina waving and crying. Her short dark brown hair shaking against the current of the wind, since the bus started moving. I watch my Ina drift further and further away from my hands.

I feel overwhelmed, and I'm ready to sit down. So, I walk down the aisle. Two boys, one tall white boy, and one short black boy. Looked up to me. The short one called out, "This seats taken."

I walk forward some more, in search for a place to sit. I see an open spot, but a boy stops me in my tracks. Putting his bag on the open spot, and forget stopping me from sitting down. "It's taken!"

What do they expect me to do? Sit on the floor?

I look around, and a blonde haired girl slides over on her seat so I cannot sit next to her. She shakes her head.

I walk ahead, looking around in half-defeat, I look to the side where a brunette girl sits alone. The girl glares up at me, "You can't sit here."

I look ahead in defeat, dazed and not sitting down. Standing in the open like a deer in headlights.

You know, it's funny. What a young man recollects. 'Cause I don't remember being born.

I, I. . . Don't recall what I got for my first Christmas, and I don't remember my first outdoor picnic. . .

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