"Hey! It's okay, calm down. You don't need to worry we're here to help you. You're going to be okay." The man exclaimed, gently grasping Alex's hands and clasping them in his own much larger ones, softly preventing her from causing any more damage to herself.

She thrashed her legs around, still panicking. She couldn't listen. She had to ignore him.

"Look, we're trying to make you better, we're not going to hurt you."
She heard his soft voice once more before she calmed down slightly as she felt a soothing hand gently stroke her palm.

Slowly, she raised her head, staring up at him with big turquoise eyes.
"How do I know you're not going to hurt me like the others did?" She asked, her voice trembling, still terrified of all the scary doctors stuff surrounding her.

The man smiled warmly and simply said,
"Look down."
Cautiously, little Alex peered down at the rest of her body, which was covered by an oversized gown. All her large cuts had been bandaged and her swollen bruises had shrunk so much.
Shakily, she lifted a trembling hand to run her fingers over what used to be an enormous gash across her forehead. Her heart skipped a beat as she realised that it had been ever so carefully stitched shut, it no longer hurt, no longer bled like it had all the other times.
Maybe, just maybe, these people weren't so bad after all...

She raised her head back up to meet the man's eyes.
"Thank you." She said quietly, her voice cracking slightly. The man's smile widened, but he said nothing.

Suddenly, Alex felt her head sway; after all that fear she felt unnaturally queasy and her eyelids felt droopy and tired.

With great care, the man carefully helped her lie back down and she rested her head on the pillow.

There was silence for a while, before Alex's little voice whispered croakily,
"I'm Alex, by the way."

The man smiled and squeezed her hand softly,

"I'm Steve, Steve Rogers."

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —


Steve smiled warmly as he watched the little girl, Alex, fall back to sleep, her little hand still clutching onto his.

He then remembered what she had said:
"How do I know you're not going to hurt me like the others did?"
Who were the "others"?
Were they the ones who had done this to her — if so, they were in for a tough ride, because he wasn't just about to let that go.

Steve then walked back to the other two men who had been watching him since he had gone to see Alex.

Thor then spoke,
"Well she's quite the feisty one isn't she?" He chuckled lightly, looking fondly at the little girl now asleep once more on the bed.

Steve then turned to Bruce, whose eyes were now once again set intently on the little tube of blood they had sampled from Alex.

"Do you know what she meant by the 'others' experimenting on her?" The soldier asked, the thought of someone harming such an innocent child still causing anger to course through his body.

Bruce raised his head, looking back at his friend,
"No, I'm not sure either. It might be some other organisation — we'll have to ask Fury about that."

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