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What's good Fellas?!


Chapter 7.


Serenity Williams is a bitch.

I dried the tears from my puffy eyes and stood up to my full height. Who the hell did she think she is?


I ignored my mother as I marched out of the house with my car keys in hand. I got into my car and turned it on then I tailed after her car.
She stopped at a house and got out. Someone from the house came out. A woman.

Serenity smiled warmly at the woman and walked gracefully up the stairs of the other woman's house and together they entered inside the house.

I waited impatiently as I groaned for the thousandth time. Finally Serenity walked out of the house with a man.
I gasped. So my waiting was pointless only to find out the asshole was her fiancee.


"What are you doing here?!" I hissed as he smiled at me.
Why the hell did he show up here? He's doing a hella good job in my head already!
"I was in the neighborhood and decided to say Hi" Chris said as I rolled my eyes. " Well you've done that please leave!!" I snapped as he smirked.

"What's got you on edge?" He teased as I narrowed my eyes dangerously at him. I was treading on a thin line of losing my patience. " Nothing please go!" I begged, trying to close the door.

"Jeanna!! Is that the pizza guy?!"

I frowned and yelled back a "NO!"

I turned back to Chris who was busy staring at me. I sighed, finally giving up.
"What do you want?" I asked as he blinked in suprise. "Me? Oh nothing like I said....." I didn't let him finish as I slammed the door in his face. I smiled to myself. "That was wicked" I muttered as I made my way up to my room.
Lisa screamed and I jolted in shock. She giggled innocently as I glared at her. What was she doing in my room?

"Lis, what are you doing in here?" I questioned as she fiddled with her necklace, the very one I gave her as she turned 7. " I'm... Uh... You're so pretty" she gushed as I smiled. I helped her up and sat her on my lap.
"Thanks Lisa. But I want the truth." I said softly as she sighed. "There's a boy. He asked me to give you this" she said standing and bringing out a box she hid under my bed. I took it as I looked at her suspiciously. She only smiled and skipped out of my room.

I opened the box and gasped. That sneaky bastard.

Don't get too mad yet. Your sister is quite negotiable and lovely. I hope my head won't go for this.

XX Chris.

I couldn't stop the silly smile from making its way onto my lips.
"He's crazy" I mumbled as i smiled to myself.

Mentioned Serenity In Chapter 4.
What do you think?
Drop your thoughts!

QOTD- Chris or Jeanna?
Definitely Jeanna. She's my baby (TT)

See ya at the next one amigos!
Lots of love,

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